Compare 1577 edition: 1 The maior caused the bridge and water side to be kept and watched both day and night with armed men, and euerie night was the drawbridge drawne vp: but within a while the earle vsed the matter so, EEBO page image 273 that he was permitted to lodge within the citie with certeine of his men, by reason whereof, he drew more and more of his people into the citie, so that in the end he was maister of the citie, and in Easter wéeke tooke the keies of the bridge into his hands. The legat comming foorth of the towre, repaired to the church of S. Paule, vnder a colour to preach the croisey, but in the end of that his exhortation, he tur|ned his words to the earle of Glocester,The legat admonisheth the earle of Glocester to obeie the king. admonish|ing him to obeie the king as he was bound by his allegiance. And further, whereas the earle had giuen commandement that no victuals should be suffered to be brought into the tower where the popes legat was lodged, he thought himselfe euill vsed in that be|halfe, sith he was a mediator for peace, and no parta|ker. But when the earle seemed to giue small regard to his words, he got him secretlie againe into the tower, with certeine noble men the kings freends, meaning to defend it vnto the vttermost of their powers.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 There entred also into the tower a great number of Iewes with their wiues and children,The legat & other meane to defend the to|wer against the earle of Glocester. vnto whome one ward of the tower was committed to defend, which they did in that necessitie verie stoutlie. Manie of the citizens fearing a new insurrection, auoided out of the citie, whose goods the earle seized into his owne vse, or suffered his men to spoile the same at their pleasures. The most part of all the commons of the citie tooke part wich the earle,The citizens of London in vprore chose new officers. and in a tumult got them to the Guildhall, and there chose for their maior or custos of the citie, Richard de Colworth knight, and for bailiffes, Robert de Linton and Ro|ger Marshall, discharging the old maior and shiriffes of their roomes. Diuerse aldermen were committed to prison, and their goods sequestred, and much part thereof spoiled. Also all such persons as were priso|ners in Newgate, Ludgate, Creplegate, or in any other prison about the citie,Prisoners set at libertie. for the quarrell of the ba|rons warre, were set at libertie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The legat perceiuing such disorder, accurssed gene|rallie all such as thus troubled the kings peace,The legat ac|curseth ye trou+blers of the kings peace. shew|ing themselues enimies to the king and the realme. He also interdicted all the churches within the citie and about it, licencing onlie diuine seruice to be said in houses of religion, and without ringing of any bell or singing: and whilest seruice was in hand, he appointed the church doores to be shut, bicause none of them that stood accurssed, should enter and be present. The king in the meane time laie at Cambridge to defend the countries about from iniuries,The king laie at Cambridge which were dailie attempted by them that held the Ile of Elie against him, of whome at one time he distressed a certeine number at Ramsey.Ramsey. And bicause now af|ter that the earle was thus come to London, another companie of them brake out to rob and spoile, and were stopped by the kings power from entring into the Ile againe, they repaired streight to London, doo|ing mischeefe inough by the waie.