Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 This yeare the lord William de Beauchampe the elder deceassed. ¶The lord Edward the kings sonne, Chr. Dunstab. with a faire companie of knights and other men of armes, passed the seas to exercise himselfe in iusts, but he himselfe and his men were euill intreated in manie places, so that they lost horsse, armour, and all other things to his great griefe and disliking (as may be estéemed) yet (as some write) he returned home with victorie in the iusts. Matth. West. This yeare at Teu|kesburie, a Iew falling by chance into a iakes vpon the saturdaie,A Iew at Teukesburie falleth into a iakes. in reuerence of his sabboth would not suffer any man to plucke him foorth, wherof the earle of Glocester being aduertise [...], thought the christians should doo as much reuerence to their sabboth which is sundaie, and therefore would suffer no man to go about to take him foorth that day, and so lieng still EEBO page image 263 till mondaie, he was there found dead.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Matt. Westm. Death of No|ble men.Diuers Noble men departed this life in this yeare, as the earle of Albemarle, the lord William Beau|champe, Stephan de Longespee lord cheefe iustice of Ireland, and Roger de Turkeby one of the kings chéese councellors and iustices of the land, William de Kickham bishop of Durham, and Iohn de Crake|hale treasurer of England, a spirituall man, but rich beyond measure:Bach rather. also Henrie de Ba another of the kings iustices of the bench. In the 45 yeare of king Henries reigne, Matth. West. Anno. Reg. 45. The king of Scots com|meth to Lon|don. Matt. West. Alexander king of Scotland came to London anon after the feast of S. Edward, with a faire companie of Scotishmen, and shortlie after his wife the quéene of Scots came thither also. Moreouer king Henrie kept a roiall feast at West|minster, where he made to the number of foure score knights, amongst whome, Iohn sonne to the earle of Britaine, who had maried the ladie Beatrice, one of the kings daughters was there made knight. Shortlie after was sir Hugh Spenser made lord chéefe iustice.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After Christmasse the K. comming into the towre of London, fortified it greatlie, & caused the gates of the citie to be warded, Chro. Dun. sending forth commandement to his lords that they should come to the towre, there to hold a parlement; but they denied flatlie so to doo, sending him word that if it pleased him, they would come to Westminster, where vsuallie the parlement had béene kept; and not to any other place, whervpon there rose dissention betwixt him and the barons. After the feast of the Purification, Fabian. A folkemote holden at Pauls crosse. at a folkemote holden at Paules crosse (where the king was present in person, with the king of Almaine, the archbishop of Canturburie, and diuerse other of the Nobles) commandement was giuen to the maior, that euerie stripling of the age of 12 yeares and aboue, should before his alderman be sworne to be true to the king and his hetres kings of England,An oth to be true to the king. and that the gates of the citie should be kept with armed men, as before by the king of Romans was deuised.