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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 About the feast of saint Michaell, the bishop of Bangor was sent from Leolin prince of Wales vn|to the king of England,The bishop of Bangor sent frõ the prince of Wales to king Henrie. The welsh|men offer to resort vnto Chester. to make offer on the behalfe of the said Leolin and other the lords of Wales, of sixtéene thousand pounds of siluer for a peace to be had betwixt the king and them, and that they might come to Chester, and there haue their matters heard and determined, as in time past they had béene accu|stomed. But what answer at his returne was giuen to this bishop by the king and his nobles, it is vncer|teine. EEBO page image 262 In the fortie and fourth yeare of king Henries reigne, Anno Reg. 44. I parlement. the fridaie following the feast of Simon and Iude, in a parlement holden at Westminster, were read in presence of all the lords and commons, the acts and ordinances made in the parlement holden at Oxenford,The statutes of Oxenford read, and the breakers of the same de|nounced ac|curssed. with certeine other articles by the go|uernours therevnto added and annexed. After the reading whereof the archbishop of Canturburie be|ing reuested with his suffragans to the number of nine bishops, besides abbats and others, denounced all them accurssed that attempted in word or déed to breake the said statutes, or anie of them. In the same parlement was granted to the king a talke called scutagium,Escuage granted. or escuage, that is to saie, fortie shillings of euerie knights fée throughtout England, the which extended to a great summe of monie. For as diuerse writers do agree,Knights feés how manie were then in England. there were in England at that time in possession of the spiritualtie and temporaltie be|yond fortie thousand knights fees, but almost halfe of them were in spirituall mens hands.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Fabian. I folkemote.Upon the sixt day of Nouember the king came vnto Paules, where by his commandement was the folkemote court assembled, and the king (according to the former ordinances made) asked licence of the communaltie of the citie to passe the sea,The king as|keth licence to passe the seas. and promi|sed there in the presence of a great multitude of peo|ple, by the mouth of Hugh Bigod his chéefe iustice, to be good and grafious lord vnto the citie, and to mainteine the liberties thereof vnhurt. Herewith the people for ioy made a great shout. Matth. West. The king sai|leth ouer into France. The eight day of Nouember he rode through the citie towards the sea side, and vpon the thirtéenth daie of Nouember, he tooke the sea at Douer and arriued at Whitsand, and so from thence he rode vnto Paris, where, of the French king he was most honorablie receiued. The cause of his going ouer was chéefelie to conclude some assured peace with the French king, that he should not néed to doubt any forren enimies, if he should come to haue warre with his owne people, whereof he saw great likelihoods, and therefore he made such agreement with king Lewes (as in the French historie more at large appeareth) which (to be short) I here omit.He compoun|deth all diffe|rences with the French k.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 This one thing is here to be noted, that besides the monie which king Henrie had in hand, amoun|ting to the summe of an hundred and fiftie thousand crownes for his resignation then made vnto Nor|mandie, Aniou and Maine, it was accorded, that he should receiue yearelie in name of a tribute the sum of ten thousand crownes. Polydor. N. Triuet. Wil. Risang. ¶Others write that he had three hundred thousand pounds of small Turon mo|nie, which he receiued in readie paiment, and was promised restitution of lands to the value of twentie thousand pounds of yearelie rent: and that after the decease of the French king, Matt. VVest. that then was, the coun|trie of Poictou should returne vnto the English do|minion. Some write that immediatlie after king Henrie had concluded his agréement, he began to repent himselfe thereof, and would neuer receiue penie of the monie, nor leaue out in his stile the title of duke of Normandie. But it is rather to be thought that such an agreement was at point to haue béene concluded, or at the leastwise was had in talke, but yet neuer concluded nor confirmed with hands and seales, as it ought to haue beene, if they had gone through with it.

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