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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The bishops of Worcester and Lincolne, Anno Reg. Ambassadors sent to the councell at Cambrey. with the earles of Norfolke and Leicester, were sent ouer in ambassage vnto a councell holden at Cambrey, for a league and peace to be concluded betwixt the king|doms of England and France, and also the empire: but bicause the French king looked to haue the king of England there, when he heard that the same king came not, he also staied at home, and so no conclusion followed at that assemblie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ione countesse of Penbroke, the wife of William de Ualence the kings halfe brother,Ione coun|tesse of Pen|broke. demanded hir right of dower, in such lands as belonged to hir by ti|tle of inheritance. At length she had to the value of fiue hundred marks assigned hir of the same lands, notwithstanding hir heritage amounted to the sum of a thousand marks and aboue of yearelie reue|nues, but for that she should not aid hir husband with part thereof, the one halfe was thought sufficient for hir maintenance. About Aduent next insuing, she went ouer vnto hir husband, either for the desire she had to inioy his personall presence, or for that she thought hirselfe not well dealt with, to be abridged of those reuenues, which by right of inheritance were hir owne. In the first night of December,A great tem|pest of light|ning and thunder. there chan|ced a maruellous sore tempest of lightning and thun|der, with mightie winds and raine, as a token and signe of the troubles that after followed, the more noted, for that thunder in the winter season is not commonlie heard of. Guy de Rochford a Poictouin, to whom about two yeares before the king had giuen the castell of Rochester,Guy de Roch+ford banished. was now banished the realme, and depriued of all that he held in this land. About this season there rose great variance amongst the scholers of Oxford being of sundrie countries,Uariance and debat betwixt the studẽts [...] Oxford. as Scotishmen, Welshmen, Northern men, and Sou|thern men: who fell so farre at square, that they rai|sed baners one against an other, and fought togither, in somuch that diuerse were slaine, and manie hurt on both parties. ¶ The Welshmen this yeare, not|withstanding their good successe had in these late wars, considered with themselues, that if the barons of England did once ioine in one knot of fréendship, they would with maine force easilie subdue them, wherefore to preuent that which might chance vnto them by stubborne resistance,The Welsh|men seeke to agreé with the king. they made suit to be re|ceiued into the kings peace, offering to giue vnto him the summe of foure thousand markes, and to his sonne the lord Edward thrée hundred marks, and to the queene two hundred marks. Yet the king would not accept those offers, and so the matter depended in doubtfull balance a certeine time. The Welsh|men in the meane season attempted not any exploit, but rather sate still in hope to come at length to some reasonable agreement. ¶ The moonks of Winche|ster meaning to prouide themselues of a bishop, now that Athelmare aliàs Odomare the kings halfe bro|ther was banished the realme, elected one Henrie de Wingham the kings chancellor,Henrie de Wingham e|lected bishop of Winchester. in hope that the K. would be contented with his election, and so he was, but yet conditionallie, that if the pope would allow his said halfe brother for bishop, then should the other giue place.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 About the feast of S. Hilarie, when knowledge was giuen that king Richard of Almaine meant to returne into England, Ambassadors sent to the K. of Almaine. there were sent ouer vnto EEBO page image 261 him the bishop of Worcester, the abbat of saint Ed|mundsburie. Peter de Sauoy, and Iohn Mansell, as ambassadours from the baronage and commu|naltie of the realme, to require of him an oth, to stand vnto and obeie the ordinances of the late parlement holden at Oxenford. When the said ambassadors came before his presence, and declared to him the ef|fect of their message, he beheld them with a sterne looke, and frowning countenance, saieng (and bind|ing it with an oth) that he would neither be sworne, nor kéepe any such ordinances as had beene made without his consent;His protesta|tion to their demand. neither would he make them of counsell how long his purpose was to staie within the realme, which the ambassadours required also to vnderstand. Herevnto he further added, that he had no péere in England, for he was the sonne of the de|ceased king, and brother of the king that now reig|ned, and also earle of Cornewall, and therefore if the barons of England ment to reforme the state of the kingdome, their duetie had beene first to haue sent for him, and not to haue proceeded so presumptuous|lie in such a weightie cause, without his presence or consent. When one of the ambassadours was about to haue made answer somewhat roundlie, and also nippinglie vnto this spéech vttered by the king of Al|maine, he was staied by one of his associats. And so the ambassadours vnderstanding his mind, retur|ned with all conuenient speed.

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