Compare 1577 edition: 1 Matth. Paris not well affe|cted towards the gouerne|ment of the realme as it then stood.For who so marketh the course of his historie, shall perceiue that he had no good liking of the state in those daies, neither concerning the ecclesiasticall nor temporall policie, in somuch that he sticketh not to commend the Welshmen greatlie for their holding togither, against the oppression (as he meaneth it) of the English gouernement, and no doubt there was cause that mooued him to such misliking, namelie the often paiments and collections of monie by the popes agents, and other such misorders as dailie were permitted or rather mainteined to the impoue|rishing of both estates spirituall and temporall.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Godfrey de Kinton archbishop of Can|turburie.Godfrey de Kinton was consecrated arch|bishop of Canturburie at Rome, about the feast of Christ|masse last past, and so returned from thence home to his cure.An ordinance against ex|tortion. There was an ordinance made about this time, for punishment to be had of the extortion of shi|riffes, so that aswell the receiuer as the giuer of bri|bes was punishable. Which law if it were now exe|cuted vpon all officers & occupiers whatsoeuer, there would not be so much wealth and substance, so great riches and treasure raked vp togither in the possession of some few men, as the old sage saieng importeth,
Quisquis ditatur rapidos miluos imitatur.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The bishops of Worcester and Lincolne, Anno Reg. Ambassadors sent to the councell at Cambrey. with the earles of Norfolke and Leicester, were sent ouer in ambassage vnto a councell holden at Cambrey, for a league and peace to be concluded betwixt the king|doms of England and France, and also the empire: but bicause the French king looked to haue the king of England there, when he heard that the same king came not, he also staied at home, and so no conclusion followed at that assemblie.