Compare 1577 edition: 1 There was a bruite raised (whether of truth or o|therwise we leaue to the credit of the authors) that the Poictouins had practised to poison the most part of the English nobilitie. Matth. Paris. The Poicto|uins suspected to haue poi|soned ye Eng|lish lords. Indéed diuers of them were greeuouslie tormented with a certeine disease of swelling and breaking out, some died, and othersome verie hardlie escaped, of which number the earle of Glocester was one, who laie sicke a long time at Sunning a place besides Reading. At length he re|couered: but his brother William died of the same disease, and vpon his death-bed laid the fault to one Walter Scotenie, as the occasioner of his death, which afterwards cost the said Walter his life. For although he was one of the chéefe councellors, and steward also to the said earle of Glocester, yet being had in suspicion, and thervpon apprehended and char|ged with that crime, when in the yeare next follow|ing in Iune he came to be arreigned at Winche|ster, and put himselfe to be tried by a iurie,Walter Sco|tonie arreig|ned and con|demned. the same pronounced him guiltie: and when those that were impanneled vpon that iurie were asked by the iud|ges how they vnderstood that he should be giltie, they answered, bicause that where the said Walter was neuer indebted, that they could heare of, either to William de Ualence, or to any of his brethren, they were fullie certified that he had late receiued no EEBO page image 260 small sum of monie of the said W. de Ualence to poi|son both his maister and other of the English nobili|tie as was to be thought, sith there was no other ap|parant cause why he should receiue such a gift at the hands of their enimie the said William de Ualence, and so was the said Walter executed at Winche|ster aforesaid.He suffereth.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The haruest was verie late this yeare, so that the most part of the corne rotted on the ground,A late haruest and that which at length was got in, remained yet abrode till after Alhallowentide, so vntemperate was the wea|ther, with excessiue wet and raine beyond all mea|sure.Dearth of corne increa|seth. Herevpon the dearth so increased, that euen those which had of late releeued other, were in danger to starue themselues. Finallie solemne fasts and ge|nerall processions were made in diuerse places of the realme to appease Gods wrath,Fasts & pro|cessions vsed. and (as it was thought) their praiers were heard, for the weather partlie amended, and by reason the same serued to get in some such corne as was not lost, the price there|of in the market fell halfe in halfe. A good and memo|rable motiue, that in such extremities as are aboue the reach of man to redresse, we should by and by haue recourse to him that can giue a remedie a|gainst euerie casualtie. For
Flectitur iratus voce rogante Deus.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Richard Gray the chattellaine of Douer looking diligentlie vnto his charge,Richard Gray lord warden of the ports. tooke a thousand marks which the bishop of Winchester had sent thither to haue beene transported ouer into France. Erlotus the popes Nuncio perceiuing the trouble that was like to insue within the realme would no longer ta|rie,Erlotus the popes Nuncio returneth houie. but wiselie departed and got him home. Herewith certeine wise personages were sent to Rome on the part of the king and baronage, to informe the pope in what state the realme stood, and to giue him to vnder|stand how gréeuouslie the people had beene handled by the practise of certeine Romane prelats promo|ted in this land.