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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Moreouer, in this fortie one yeare of king Henries reigne, Fabian. An informa [...]on against the lord maior of London. by reason of a roll closed in gréene wax and found in the kings Wardrobe at Windsor, contein|ing as it were an information against the maior and shiriffes of London, for oppression and wrongs doone to the communaltie of the citie, the king tooke great displeasure, and caused streit inquisition to be made, as well by Fouke Moots, as Ward Moots, & diuerse other means. At length, the maior and shiriffes,The lord [...] and shiri|ffes of Lon|don dischar|ged. with the chamberlaine of the citie, were discharged by Iohn Mansell, one of the kings iustices, afore whom and other the kings councell, the inquisition was ta|ken, and then was the custodie of the citie assigned vnto the constable of the tower, and in place of the shiriffes were appointed Michaell Tonie, and Iohn Audrian. At length, the maior, shiriffes and Alder|men that were accused, perceiuing the kings displea|sure towards them, submitted themselues wholie to his mercie, sauing to them and to all other the citi|zens their liberties & franchises, and so in the exche|ker chamber at Westminster afore the king, there sitting in iudgement vpon the matter, they were condemned to paie their fines for their offenses com|mitted, and further, euerie of them discharged of his ward and office.The lord maior and shiriffes fin [...] Shortlie after was William Fitz Richard by the kings commandement made maior, and Thomas Fitz Thomas, and William Grapis|gate shiriffes.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The archbishop of Yorke was accurssed by the popes commandement through all England, Matth. Paris The archbis [...] of Yorke ac|cursed. with booke, bell and candle, that by such terror his constan|cie might he weakened. But the archbishop (saith Matthew Paris) informed by the example of Thomas Becket, and by the example and doctrine of saint Ed|mund sometime his instructor, and also taught by the faithfulnesse of blessed Robert, late bishop of Lin|colne, despaired not of comfort from heauen,The constan|cie of the arch|bishop of Yorke. in bea|ring patientlie the popes tyrannie; neither would he bestow the wealthie reuenues of his church vpon Italians, being vnworthie persons and strangers; neither would he obeie and incline to the popes will like a faint-harted person, by leaning and setting a|part the rigor of the law, least therby he might séeme to result from his pastorlike office, and animate the woolfe of Rome to breake into the shéepfold of the church, whose purpose was to sucke the verie bloud quite and cleane out of euerie veine, yea to bite out bowels and all. Which qualitie to rest in him, wofull experience hath taught, and the testimonie of writ|ten verities hath shewed, among which this one for the truth thereof is worthie to be reported euen to the praise of the deuiser for his prettie deuise therein comprised, and here set downe as fit for the purpose:

Non pontifex sed potifex,
Non potifex sed panifex,
Non panifex sed: carnifex,
Est papa pater pontifex.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 About [...]he beginning of the two: and fortith yeare of king Henries reigne, the lord Iames Audelie that had béene ouer with the king of Almaine, and was latelie returned home in companie of the lord Hen|rie, sonne to the said king (who came backe from his father about the feast of saint Michaell last past) vn|derstanding how the Welshmen in his absence had EEBO page image 257 burnt, wasted, and destroied his lands, possessions, and castels, which belonged vnto him in the confines of Wales, he meant to be reuenged of those iniuries, and inuading them, he slue a great number of them, so reuenging the death of those his freends,The lord Audelie war|reth vpon the Welshmen. seruants and tenants, whome they before had murthered. The Welshmen were not so discouraged herewith, but that they brake vpon him out of their starting-holes and places of refuge through the marishes, and slai|eng their enimies horsses, put them backe to their power, & ceassed not to doo what mischeefe they could, by spoiling, killing, and burning houses and castels where they might come vnto them, and so the realme of England was dailie put to losses & hinderances. For out of Wales, England was accustomed to be furnished with horsses, cattell, and other things, to the great profit of both the countries. About the same time there was an ambassage sent from the king of England to the French king by the bishop of Wor|cester,Ambassadors sent into France. the elect of Winchester, the abbat of West|minster, the earle of Leicester, & Hugh Bigod earle Marshall, with Peter de Sauoy, and Robert Wal|cron. The effect of their message was to require re|stitution of those countries, lands, cities, and townes which had bene euicted out of the hands of king Iohn and others, apperteining by right of inheritance to the king of England. These lords did their message, but as was thought, they had no towardlie answer, but rather were put off with trifling words & scorne|full [...]awnts, so that they returned shortlie againe all of them, the abbat of Westminster onelie excepted, who remained there behind for a fuller answer, not [...]nelie to those requests exhibited on the part of the king of England, but also on the behalfe of the king of Almaine. The marshes towards Wales in this season were brought almost desert, by reason of the continuall wars with the Welshmen,The marshes of Wales sore impouerished. for what with fire & sword, neither building nor liuing creature, nor any other thing was spared, that fire & sword might bring to ruine.

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