Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 About the middest of Lent,A parlement. there was a parle|ment holden at London, wherein diuerse statutes and ordinances were deuised, as penalties for those that offended in other mens parks and warrens: but the chéefest occasion of assembling this parle|ment,A statute a|gainst hunters was to take aduise in matters touching the greefes wherewith the church of England séemed to be oppressed by the pope and the court of Rome. The pope indeed to quiet the English ambassadors, and to put the king and realme in some good hope of re|léefe and deliuerance out of such oppressions, as were opened vnto him in the face of the whole councell, did not onelie promise largelie, but also caused diuerse priuileges to be made and deliuered vnto the said ambassadors verie fauorablie, in the behalfe of their request. But yet the same notwithstanding, sith the breaking vp of the said generall councell, and return to the ambassadors, manie things were doone, to the increasing and continuation of the former greefes, so that they stood in doubt of further oppressions to fol|low, rather than in hope of the promised redresse. Herevpon they concluded eftsoones to write vnto the pope, and to the cardinals, both in name of the king, of the bishops and prelats, of the earles, barons, and other estates of the temporaltie, and of the abbats and priors. In the meane time, the pope for a while somewhat relented in the point of bestowing benefi|ces here in England, for when any of his freends or kinsmen was to be preferred to any benefies with|in this realme, he would sue to the king for his grant and good will, that such a one might be admitted, and not seeme of himselfe to grant it without the kings consent.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 The earle of Sauoy in the presence of the archbi|shop of Canturburie,The earle of Sauoy dooth homage to the K. of England and the bishop of Hereford and others, did homage to the king of England, acknow|ledging to hold of him certeine fées, as those of Suse, Auislian, S. Maurice de Chablais, and the castell of Bard, which he might well doo, not preiudicing the right of the empire, sith he held nothing of the same empire, except Aigues and the passages. This yeare,Roger Bigod intitled to the office of earle Marshall. the office of the earle Marshall was giuen to Roger Bigod earle of Northfolke, in right of his wife the countesse, that was eldest daughter vnto the great earle William Marshall. ¶Moreouer, Matth. Paris. Harold king of Man. Welshmen re|ceiued to the kings peace, vp on their submission. in this yeare the king holding his Easter at London, honored Ha|rold king of Man with the order of knighthood. A|bout the same time, diuerse noble men of Wales submitted themselues, and were receiued vnto the kings peace. ¶ On saint Markes day was a great frost and snow, which nipped the leaues of trees and hearbes in such extreame wise, that for the more part they withered and faded awaie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Furthermore, bicause the pope vnderstood, that di|uerse rich beneficed men were of late dead in Eng|land intestate, as Robert Hailes the archdeacon of Lincolne, Almerike the archdeacon of Bedford, and Iohn Hotospe archdeacon of Northhampton, he ordeined a decrée,A decrée of the pope. that all such spirituall per|sons EEBO page image 239 as died intestate, their goods should remaine to the pope. The execution of which decrée he comman|ded to the friers preachers and minors but the king would not suffer it to take place, bicause he saw that it should redound to the preiudice of him and his kingdome. Wherein the popes oppression and wrong offered to the dead (by whose deceasse their suruiuing fréends should be benefited) and his cruell couetous|nes extending to the verie senseles corpse dooth ma|nifestlie appeare, so that it is verified of him, by waie of comparison,
Also, where the pope required a talage of the clergie, the king flatlie forbad it by his letters inhibitorie.Carniuorax tumidis vt gaudet hyaena sepulchris,Sic instat putidis ille cadaueribus.