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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Whilest all things were thus in quiet, Polydor. Matth. Paris Matt. VVest. Dauid [...] of Wales [...]neth to sub|mit himselfe to the pope. and the king himselfe not troubled with any outward wars, the Welshmen (who though they were subdued, yet could not rest in quiet) receiued againe the fornamed Dauid to their prince, the which for a policie deter|mined himselfe to make offer to the pope to hold his land of him, yéelding therefore yearelie vnto him the summe of fiue hundred marks (as is said) to the end that vnder the wings of the popes protection he might shadow himselfe, and be defended against all men. At length by large gifts of no small summes of monie he purchased letters of the pope in his fauour, EEBO page image 233 to the preiudice of the crowne of England, as touch|ing the right which the king of England had to the dominion of Wales, as by the tenour thereof it may appeare, Matth. Paris pag. 880. beginning as here insueth. Illustri viro domi|no Henrico Dei gratia regi Angliae, &c.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Thus Dauid being incouraged herewith and such o|ther of the Welshmen as tooke his part, at time ap|pointed did set vpon the kings capteins as they stra|gled abroad, whom at the first brunt they put to flight, and slue manie of them here and there as they tooke them at aduenture. The Englishmen when night was come, and that the Welshmen withdrew to rest, assembled themselues againe togither, and in the morning with new recouered force both of mind and bodie, came vpon all the Welshmen, and began with them a new battell, which continued the space of thrée houres togither,The Welsh|men discom|fited. till at length the Welshmen, which rashlie had entred the fight, began to shrinke backe, and fled to their woonted places of refuge, the woods and mareshes. Their chiefe capteine Dauid fled into Scotland,Dauid fled in|to Scotland. hauing lost in that battell the most part of all his souldiers which he had there with him. At his comming into Scotland, and whilest he there remai|ned, he incensed king Alexander against king Hen|rie to his vttermost power, putting into his head how reprochfullie the Englishmen did speake of the Scots,He prouoketh the king of Scots to make warre against En|gland. reprouing them of cowardnes & lacke of sto|mach; also that they liued according to the prescript of the English nation, as subiects to the same: and manie other things he forged, which had béene able to haue mooued a most patient man vnto indignation and displeasure.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king of Scots inua|deth Englãd.Finallie, either by the prouoking of this Dauid, or by som [...] other occasion, king Alexander meant to make warres vpon king Henrie indéed, and in rai|sing an armie made a rode into England, and did some hurt by incursions, and further signified to king Henrie, as some write, that he neither ought nor would hold anie part or portion of Scotland of the king of England. Matth. Paris. King Henrie sore offended here|with, purposed in time to be reuenged, and shortlie af|ter called a parlement at Westminster,King Henrie requireth an aid of monie of his subiects in the which he earnestlie mooued the lords and other states to aid him with monie towards the furnishing of his cof|fers, being emptied (as they knew) by his excéeding charges in his last iournie into Gascoigne. He would not open his meaning which he had to make warre to the Scots, bicause he would haue his enterprise secretlie kept, till he should be readie to set forward.

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