Compare 1577 edition: 1 At his comming to Pontney, he so séemed to de|spise all worldlie pompe and honor, giuing himselfe wholie to diuine contemplation, to fasting and prai|er, that the former opinion, which men had conceiued of his vertues, was maruellouslie confirmed. At length being sore vexed with sicknesse, supposing that he might recouer helth by changing of aire and place, he caused himselfe to be conueied into an other house of religion, named Soisie, two daies iournie from Pontney,The death of Edmund archbishop of Canturburie surnamed of Pontney. where finallie he died the sixtéenth of No|uember, and his bodie was brought againe to Pont|ney, and there buried, where also through sundrie mi|racles shewed (as they say) at his graue, he was re|puted a saint, and at length canonized by pope Inno|cent the fourth. He was borne at Abingdon, beside Oxenford, and thereby some named him saint Ed|mund of Abingdon, and some S. Edmund of Pont|ney, after the place where he was inshrined. The see of Canturburie was void more than three yeares af|ter his decease, till at length by the kings comman|dement, the moonks of Canturburie elected one Bo|niface of Sauoie vncle to quéene Elianor, being the 45 archbishop which ruled that church.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 ¶There was this yeare a certeine person of honest conuersation,A Charter|house moonke apprehended. and sober, representing in habit one of the Carthusian moonks, taken at Cambridge, be|ing accused for that he refused to come to the church to heare diuine seruice, and vpon his examination, bicause he answered otherwise than was thought conuenient, he was committed to secret prison, and shortlie after sent vp to the legat to be of him exami|ned. This man openlie protested, that Gregorie was not the true pope, nor head of the church, but that there was another head of the church, and that the church was defiled, so that no seruice ought to be said therein, except the same were newlie dedicated, and the vessels and vestments againe hallowed and con|secrated; The diuell (said he) is losed, & the pope is an heretike, for Gregorie, which nameth himselfe pope, hath polluted the church.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Herevpon (in the presence and audience of the abbat of Euesham, maister Nic. de Fernham, and diuerse other worshipfull personages) the legat said vnto him being thus out of the waie;
Is not power granted to our souereigne lord the pope from aboue, both to lose and bind soules, sith he executeth the roome of S. Peter vpon earth? Now when all men looked to heare what answer he would make, belée|uing his iudgement to depend vpon the same, he said by way of interrogation, and not by way of asserti|on; How can I beléeue, that vnto a person spotted with simonie and vsurie, and haplie wrapt in more greeuous sins, such power should be granted as was granted vnto holie Peter, who immediatlie follow|ed the lord, as soone as he was made his apostle, and followed him not onelie in bodilie footsteps, but in cleerenesse of vertues. At which word the legat blu|shed, & said to some of the standers by; A man ought not to chide with a foole, nor gape ouer an ouen.