Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The earle comming thither, tooke thirtie scholers, with one master Odo a lawier, and brought them to Wallingford castell, and there committed them to prison. The legat also in reuenge of the iniurie in this wise to him doone,The legat cursseth. pronounced the cursse against the misdooers, and handled the matter in such wise, that the regents and masters of the Uniuersitie were at length constreined to come vnto London, & there to go bare-footed through Cheapeside, vnto the church of S. Paule,The regents of y^ [...] Uniuer|sitie absolued. Polydor. in such wise to aske him forgiuenesse, and so with much adoo they obteined absolution. This legat among other things demanded soone after the tenth part of all spirituall mens yearelie reuenues, towards the maintenance of the wars against the Saracens in Asia.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer, the emperour of Constantinople, name|lie, Matth. Paris. The emperor of Constanti|nople cõmeth into Eng|land. Baldwine sonne to Peter earle of Ausserre, be|ing expelled out of his empire, came this yeare into England, to sue for aid: but at his first arriuall at Douer, he was told, that he had not doone well to come so presumptuouslie into the land of another prince, without his safe conduct. But when the said emperour séemed to be sorie for his offense, and to ex|cuse his innocencie and sincere meaning, the king was pacified, & willed him to come to London, where at his comming thither, being the 22 daie of Aprill, he was honorablie receiued, and at his departure with rich gifts highlie honored, so that he had awaie with him to the value of about seuen hundred marks as was reported. About this time also,The coun|tesse of Pe [...]|broke, sister to the king married to Simon de Montford. Polydor. Elianor the kings sister (that was sometime wife vnto William Marshall earle of Penbroke) was now by the kings meanes married the second time to Simon Mont|ford, a man of high parentage and noble prowesse.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 This Simon was indowed with such vertue, good counsell, courteous discretion, and other amiable qualities, that he was highlie fauoured as was sup|posed, both of God and man: in somuch that he might right well, as for birth, so also for education and good demeanour be counted (as he deserued) a notable Noble man, for he was so qualified as standeth with the nature of true nobilitie, according to that of the poet,
—non census, nec clarum nomen auorum,Sed probitas magnos ingeniùmque facit.