Compare 1577 edition: 1 The same yeare that Iohn Scot died,Cardinall Otho or O|thobon. cardinall Otho (by some writers named Othobon) about the feast of S. Peter and Paule came into England from pope Gregorie. He was receiued with all ho|nour and solemne reuerence as was decent, yea and more than was decent, the king meeting him at the sea side. His comming was not signified afore to the nobles of the realme, which caused them to mislike the matter, and to grudge against the king, seeing that he did all things contrarie to order, breaking law, faith, and promise in all things.The lords grudge at the king for recei|uing the car|dinall without their know|ledge. He hath coupled himselfe (said they) in mariage with a stranger, with|out consent of his freends and naturall subiects, and now he bringeth in a legat secretlie, who will take vpon him to make an alteration in the whole state of the realme.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 But this legat shewed himselfe a verie sober and discréet person, not so couetous as his predecessors,The legat praised for his sober be|hauiour. in so much that he refused diuerse gifts which were offered vnto him, though some he receiued, and indéed commanded the other to be reserued for him. He also distributed liberallie the vacant rents vnto such as he brought with him, as well persons worthie as vn|worthie, and pacified such controuersies as were sproong betwixt the nobles and peeres of the realme, so that he made them fréends. ¶ An act memorable & to be kept in record, that the instrument and seruant of so bad a maister as he serued, namelie the pope, should be the procurer of so good a worke: considering that from the sée of Rome full tides and violent streames of seditions haue flowed, and verie sildome any occasion or means made to plant peace among men, which is the daughter of loue, and the worthiest thing that is, as one saith verie well in these words:
Gignit amor pacem, pax est dignissima rerum.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The bishop of Winchester, the earle of Kent, Gil|bert Basset, Stephen Siward & others were by him accorded, who had borne secret grudge ech to other a long time, which hatred was at point to haue broken foorth,A tournie at Blie. and shewed it selfe in perilous wise at a tornie holden at Blie in the beginning of Lent, where the Southernmen stroue against the Northerne men, and in the end the Southerne men preuailed, and EEBO page image 222 tooke diuerse of their aduersaries, so that it séemed not to be a triumphant iustes, but rather a sharpe challenge and incounter betwixt enimies. But a|mongst all others,Earle Bigot. earle Bigot bare himselfe verie stoutlie.