Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 In the twentith yeare of king Henries reigne, Anno Reg. 20. in the Aduent time, the noble baron the lord Robert Fitz Water departed this life, and so likewise did a noble yong man descended of most noble parentage, one Roger de Somerie. On the foureteenth day of Ianuarie insuing,King Henrie marrieth the ladie Elianor daughter to the earle of Prouance. Matth. Paris. the king married the ladie Elia|nor, daughter to the earle of Prouance named Rai|mond. This marriage was solemnized at Cantur|burie, and in the octaues of S. Hilarie next insuing being sunday, shee was crowned queene of Eng|land at Westminster. At the solemnitie of this feast and coronation of the quéene, all the high peeres of the realme, both spirituall and temporall, were pre|sent there to exercise their offices as to them apper|teined.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The citizens
of London were there in great ar|raie, bearing afore hir in solemne wise, thrée hundred and thréescore cups
of gold and siluer, in token that they ought to wait vpon hir cup. The archbishop of Canturburie (according
to his dutie) crowned hir, the bishop of London assisting him as his deacon. The earle of Chester bare the
sword of saint Edward before the king,The earle of Chester. in token that he was
earle of the palace, and had authoritie to correct the king, if he should see him to swarue from the limits
of iustice, his constable of Chester attended vpon him,The consta|ble of Chester. The
earle of Penbroke. and re|mooued where the presse was thicke, with his rod or warder. The earle of
Penbroke high Marshall bare the rod before the king, and made roome before him, both in the church and in
the hall, placing euerie man, and ordering the seruice at the table. The wardens of the cinque ports bare a
canopie ouer the king,
The wardẽs of the cinque ports. The earle of Leicester. Erle Warren.
Compare 1577 edition:
3 The earle of
Leicester held the bason when they washed. The earle of Warren, in the place of the erle of Arundell,
bicause he was vnder age, attended on the kings cup. M. Michaell Bellet was Butler by office. The earle of
Hereford exercised the roome of high Marshall in the kings house. The lord William de Beauchampe was
The earle of Hereford. Lord William Beauchampe The citizens of London. The citizens of Winchester.