Compare 1577 edition:
1 To bring this
to passe (hauing the king thereto greatlie inclined, and all the realme readie to assist him in the same) he
would not sticke to put his life in ieopardie, namelie vpon confidence of the right and app [...]alos of Stephan the late archbishop of Cantur|burie, made in solemne wise before the altar of S. Paule
in the cathedrall church of London,
Sée before in pag. 177, & 178. The pope ma|keth void the election.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 When the pope had heard this tale told, he streit disanulled the election and reques [...] of the confirmati|on of the said Ralfe Neuill, granting libertie to the moonks to chose some other which might proue a whol|some shéepheard for the soule of man, profitable to the church of England, and a faithfull sonne to the sée of Rome, and so the moonks returning home, made relation to the couent how they had sped. After this, the moonks elected the prior of their house na|med Iohn to be their archbishop, who going to Rome for his confirmation, was persuaded in the end to re|nounce his election: so that at length one Edmund that was treasurer of the colledge of Salisburie, was elected, confirmed, and consecrated, a man of great zeale, being the foure & fortith archbishop that had gouerned that sée.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 This yeare
the kings brother the earle of Corne|wall married the countesse of Glocester,The earle of
Cornewall marrieth the countesse of Glocester. widow to the late earle Gilbert, and sister to
William Mar|shall earle of Penbroke, the which erle of Penbroke shortlie after the same marriage departed
this life, and was buried on the fifteenth day of Aprill,
The earle of Penbroke de|parted this life.
Polydor. Leolin prince of Wales in|uadeth the English bor|ders.