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Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the meane time, and about the feast of the pu|rification, king Henrie (hauing iust occasion to pur|sue the warre, for recouerie of those townes taken, as before you haue heard by the Frenchmen) sent o|uer his brother Richard, whom he had made earle of Cornewall and Poictow, with a mightie nauie of ships vnto Gascoigne. Matth. Paris. Polydor. This earle, hauing in his com|panie the earle of Salisburie, Philip de Albenie, and others, with prosperous wind and weather arriued at Burdeaux with foure hundred sailes,Thrée hun|dred sa [...]th Gaguin. and there landing his men, went straight vnto the towne of saint Machaire, situated vpon the banke of Garon, where, vpon his first comming, he gat the castell, and sacked the towne, and then passing further,Towns woon by the Eng|lishmen. wan di|uerse other townes, as Longuile, Bergerat, and o|ther, and after went with great diligence to besiege and recouer Rochell, or rather Rioll. The French king aduertised of the earls arriuall, and of these his atchiued enterprises,The earle of Marsh, saith Matth. Paris. sent foorth by and by the earle of Champaigne with a mightie armie into Guien to aid his people there.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The earle of Cornewall vnderstanding of the com|ming of that French armie, tooke a part of his host, and therewithall went to méet his enimies, and lieng in ambush for them by the way, had them at a good aduantage, and slue great numbers of them.The French|men taken at aduantage. After this, the earle of Champaigne keeping his men with|in their trenches and campe, without attempting a|nie other exploit, the earle of Cornewall thought it sufficient, if he might keepe the Gascoignes in obedi|ence, which had alreadie practised a rebellion, by send|ing letters and messengers for the same intent vnto the French king,The earle of Cornewall raiseth his siege from the Rioll. and therefore breaking vp his siege before the Rioll, he staied a while from exploiting any further enterprise. About the same time, the earle of Salisburie returning homwards out of Gascoigne, was so tossed and turmoiled on the seas by tempests of weather, that he fell sicke therof,The death of the earle of Salisburie. Matth. Paris. and within a few daies after his arriuall died.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 ¶ This yeare also, there came foorth a decrée from the archbishop of Canturburie, and his suffragans,Préests con|cubines for|bidden chri|stian buriall. that the concubines of préests and clearkes within orders (for so were their wiues then called in con|tempt of their wedlocke) should be denied of christi|an buriall, except they repented whilest they were a|liue in perfect health, or else shewed manifest tokens of repentance at the time of their deaths. The same decree also prohibited them from the receiuing of the pax at masse time, & also of holie bread after masse, so long as the preests kept them in their houses, or vsed their companie publikelie out of their houses. Moreouer, that they should not be purified when they should be deliuered of child, as other good women were, vnlesse they found sufficient suertie to the arch|deacon, or his officiall, to make satisfaction at the next chapter or court to be holden, after they should be purified. And the préests should be suspended, which did not present all such their concubines as were re|siant within their parishes. Also, all such women as were conuict to haue dealt carnallie with a preest, were appointed by the same decree to doo open pen|ance. Where the question may be asked, whether this decree was extended to preests wiues or no? Where|vnto answer may be made, that as a quadrangle in geometrie compriseth in it a triangle, and a quater|nion in arithmetike conteineth a ternion; so in lo|gike a vniuersall proposition comprehendeth a parti|cular. But it is said here, that all such women as had carnall knowledge with a préest, were to be pu|nished, therefore some, and consequentlie all préests wiues. But yet this seemeth not to be the meaning of that decrée, for préests were allowed no wiues, naie Sericius the pope iudged that all such of the cleargie as had wiues could not please God, bicause they were In carne, which words he and the residue of that litter restreined to marriage, admitting in no case that churchmen should inioy the rights of matrimo|nie. Wherin they offer God great iniurie, in séeking to limit that large institution of wedlocke, wherein all estates are interressed; and they seeme likewise to bridle nature, and to compell hir within certeine pre|cincts, wherein they offer intollerable iniurie to all mankind, considering that

—ad venerem compellimur exercendum
Non modò nos, verùm omne animal, terrae marís,
EEBO page image 208Natur [...] imperio: facias peiora necesse est,
Si non foeminei sorberis abore barathri.

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