Compare 1577 edition: 1 Matth. Paris. Matt. Westm. Fouks de Brent an eni|mie to rest and quietnesse.About the same time Fouks de Brent, being a man of an vnquiet mind, readie to mischiefe and lo [...]h to liue in peace (as some saie) conspired against the king of England, and aduertised the king of France that if he would boldlie begin the warres against king Henrie in France, he would not faile but raise warre against him here in the middest of his realme of England, hauing diuerse noble men in a readi|nesse, that would willinglie take his part. But how soeuer it fell out, certeine it is that this Fouks ha|uing fortified his castell of Bedford, attempted ma|nie enterprises greatlie to the preiudice of the kings peace, aswell in robbing and spoiling the countrie a|bout him, as otherwise.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 And now fearing to be punished therefore by or|der of law he shewed his malice against such as had the execution of the same lawes chieflie in their hands. Herevpon he tooke prisoner Henrie Bra [...]|broke, one of the kings iustices of his bench, and led him to his castell of Bedford, and there shut him vp close [...] his lawfull prisoner. Indeed the said Henrie de Braibroke, Matth. Paris. Henrie Brai|broke taken by Fouks de Brent, and imprisoned. with Martine de Pateshull, Thomas de Multon, and other of the kings iustices were come to kéepe their circuit at Dunstable. Where, vp|on information giuen and presented before them, Fouks de Brent was condemned to the king in great [...] of monie. Wherewithall this Fouks tooke such indignation and displeasure, that he com|manded his men of warre which laie in the castell of Bedford, to ride vnto Dunstable, and there to appre|hend the said iustices, and to bring them vnto Bed|ford, where (as he said) he meant to commen further with them. But they hauing knowledge of his pur|pose, fled quicklie out of the towne, séeking to escape euerie man which waie he might best deuise. How|beit, the souldiers vsed such diligence, that Henrie de Braibroke fell into their hands, & so was brought captiue to Bedford as their maister had comman|ded them.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king aduertised hereof by the gréeuous com|plaints of his subiects, was as then at Northamp|ton (where he had assembled his parlement) and ther|vpon hauing gathered speedilie a power, with all ex|pedition he hasted towards Bedford. At his com|ming thither, he besieged the castell on ech side,Bedford ca|stell besieged. and at length after two moneths, though not without much adoo, he wan it, and hanged them all which were taken within, being in number 80 or aboue: and a|mongst other William de Brent, the brother of the said Fouks was one. There were but thrée that e|scaped with life, who were pardoned, vpon condition they should passe into the holie land, there to serue a|mong the Templers. The siege began on the Ascen|sion eeuen, and continued till the 15 daie of August, being the feast daie of the assumption of our ladie.