Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In this season also Iohn de Bren king of Ierusa|lem, Matt. Paris. The king of Ierusalem commeth into England. and the lord great maister of the knights hospi|tallers came into England, where they were hono|rablie receiued of king Henrie, and liberally rewar|ded. The cause of their comming was to require aid of the king for the recouerie of the holie land out of the possession of the Saracens. In like maner about the same time Leolin prince of Northwals, with cer|teine English lords, as Hugh Lacie and others, vp|on an hatred which they bare towards king Henrie for his fathers sake, supposing that so euill a stocke as they tooke him to be, could not bring foorth anie good branch, sought by open warres to bring William Marshall earle of Penbroke and other barons that were faithfull friends to the king vnto their purpose: but the whole countrie rising against them, they were disappointed to their owne confusion, and so they could neuer bring that to passe which they so earnest|lie intended.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 In this yeare
Philip the French king departed this life,
The death of the French king. Ambassadors sent into France.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Moreouer, king Henrie sent other ambassadours to Rome, who purchased a bull of the pope, wherby he was adiudged to be of age sufficient to receiue the gouernement of the kingdome of England into his owne hands, thereby to order and dispose a [...] things at his pleasure, & by the aduise of such councellours as he should elect and choose to be about him. Where|vpon after the said ambassadours were returned, all those earles, barons and nobles, which held anie ca|stels, honors, manors or places apperteining to the king, were commanded to deliuer and resigne the same to his vse, which caused much trouble, as after shall appeare. For diuerse Noble men, whose harts were filled with couetousnesse, would not obeie the popes order herein, but sore repined; yet not so much against the king as against the lord Hubert de Burgh, by whose councell the king was most led and ruled. And therefore they did put him in all the blame, as one that should set the king against them, and staie him from suffering them to inioy those li|berties, which they from time to time so much labou|red to haue had to them granted and confirmed. Anno Reg. 8.