Compare 1577 edition: 1 Finallie, when the king measuring his owne strength with the barons, perceiued that he was not able to resist them, he consented to subscribe and seale to such articles concerning the liberties dem [...]nded, in forme for the most part as is conteined in the two charters Magna Charta, and Charta de Foresta, Magna Charta and Charta de Foresta. be|ginning EEBO page image 186 Iohannes Deigratia, &c. And he did not onlie grant vnto them their petitions touching the forsaid liberties, but also to win him further credit, was contented that they should choose out certeine graue and honourable personages, which should haue autho|ritie and power to sée those things performed which he then granted vnto them.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 There were twentie fiue of those that were so elec|ted, namelie these. The earles of Clare, Albemarle, Glocester, Winchester, and Hereford: also earle Roger, earle Robert, earle Marshall the yoonger, Robert Fitz Walter the yoonger, Gilbert de Clare, Eustace de Uescie, Hugh Bigot, William de Mowbray, the maior of London, Gilbert de la Ua|le, Robert de Roos, Iohn constable of Chester, Ri|chard de Percie, Iohn Fitz Robert, William Mal|let, Geffrey de Saie, Roger de Mowbray, William de Huntingfield, Richard de Mountfichet, and Wil|liam de Albenie. These fiue and twentie were sworne to sée the liberties granted and confirmed by the king to be in euerie point obserued, but if he went against the same, then they should haue authoritie to compell him to the obseruing of euerie of them.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Moreouer, there were other that were sworne to be obedient, and as it were assistant vnto these fiue and twentie péeres in such things as they should ap|point, which were these. The earle of Arundell, the earle Warren by his attornie, Henrie Doilie, Hu|bert de Burgh, Matthew Fitz Herbert, Robert de Pinknie, Roger Huscarle, Robert de Newburgh, Henrie de Pont Audoin, Rafe de la Hay, Henrie de Brentfield, Warren Fitz Gerald, Thomas Bas|set, William de Buckland, William de saint Iohn, Alane Basset, Richard de Riuers, Hugh de Bone|uale, Iordain de Sackuille, Ralfe Musgraue, Ri|chard Siflewast, Robert de Ropeley, Andrew de Beauchampe, Walter de Dunstable, Walter Foli|oth, Foukes de Brent, Iohn Marshall, Philip Daub|nie, William de Perca, Ralfe de Normandie, William de Percie, William Agoilum, Engerand de Pratellis, William de Cirenton, Roger de Zu|che,The chate|lains of foure castels. Roger Fitz Barnard, and Godfrie de Gran|combe. It was further ordered, that the chatelains or constables (as I may call them) of the foure ca|stels of Northampton, Killingworth, Notingham, and Scarborow, should be sworne to the fiue and twentie péeres, to gouerne those castels in such wise as they should haue in commandement from the said fiue and twentie péeres, or from the greater part of them: and that such should be placed as chatelains in the same, as were thought to be most true and faithfull vnto the barons and the realme. ¶ It was also decreed, that certeine strangers, as Flemings and other, should be banished out of England.