Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Herevpon therefore the legat dispatched Pandulph to Rome vnto the pope as is aforesaid, and the king likewise sent ambassadors thither, as the bishop of Norwich, and the archdeacon of Northumberland, with others, the which in the end so behaued them|selues in their suit, that notwithstanding Simon Langton the archbishops brother earnestlie with|stood them, as proctor for the bishops, yet at length, the pope tooke order in the matter, writing vnto his le|gat, that he should sée the same fulfilled, and then ab|solue the realme of the former interdiction. In this meane time, king Iohn made prouision to go ouer into France (as after yee shall heare) but at his go|ing ouer he committed the whole ordering of this matter vnto the legat, and to William Marshall the earle of Penbroke. The legat therefore vpon the re|ceipt of the popes bulles, called a councell at Lon|don, and there declaring what was conteined in the same, he tooke hands for paiment of the residue of the fortie thousand marks which was behind, being 13000 onelie, as before I haue said.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 About the same time also, Walter Gray bishop of Worcester was remooued to the gouernement of the sée of Yorke,Walter Gray bishop of Wor|cester is re|mooued to the sée of Yorke. which had béen vacant euer since the death of the archbishop Geffrey. This Walter was the three & thirtith archbishop that gouerned that sée. But now to returne and speake of the kings af|faires in the parts beyond the sea. Ye shall vnder|stand, that hauing set his businesse in some good staie at home with the legat, he applied his studie to the performance of his war [...] abroad, and therefore he first sent monie into Flanders to paie the souldiers wages,Monie sent [...] to Flanders. which he had sent thither to aid the erle there against king Philip. Which earle came ouer this yeare into England, and at Canturburie the king receiued him, where he did homage to the king for the whole earledome of Flanders: Rafe Cog. The earle of Flanders do [...]th homag [...] to K. Iohn. and on the other part, the king as well to the said earle, as to such lords and bishops which came ouer with him, declared his roiall liberalitie by princelie gifts of gold, siluer, iewels, and p [...]etious stones. After his returne, such capteins as remained in his countrie with their bands at the king of Englands paie, Matth. Par [...]. The lands of ye erle of Gu [...]s|nes wasted. made a iournie into France, and wasted the lands that belonged to the earle of Guisnes, wanne the castell of Brun|cham, and raced it, taking within it diuerse men of armes and demilances. They also wanne by siege the towne of Aire, and burnt it. The castell of Liens they tooke by assault, and slue manie souldiers that defended it, beside those which they tooke prisoners.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Moreouer, they wasted and destroied the lands which Lewes the French kings sonne was possessed of in those parts. In the meane time, king Iohn ha|uing prepared a mightie nauie, and a strong armie of valiant soldiers, tooke sea at Portsmouth on Can|dlemas day, with his wife, his sonne Richard, & Elia|nor the sister of Arthur duke of Britaine. He had not many of his earles or barons with him, but a great number of knights and gentlemen, with whome he landed at Rochell in safetie, within a few daies after his setting foorth. He tooke ouer with him inestima|ble treasure, as it was reported; in gold, siluer, and iewels. Immediatlie vpon his arriuall at Rochell, the barons of Poictow reuolted from the French king, and comming in to king Iohn, did homage vn|to him, as to their king and souereigne lord.