Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Moreouer, in this yeare about Candlemasse, the K. caused the 13 part of euerie mans goods,1207 A tax leuied. as well of the spiritualtie, as of the temporaltie, to be leuied and gathered to his vse, all men murmuring at such dooings, but none being so hardie as to gainesaie the kings pleasure,The archbi|shop of Yorke stealeth out of the realme. except onelie Geffrey the archbishop of Yorke, who therevpon departing secretlie out of the realme, accursed all those that laid any hands to the collection of that paiment, within his archbishop|rike of Yorke. Also vpon the 17 of Ianuarie then last past, about the middest of the night,A mightie tempest. there rose such a tempest of wind vpon a sudden, that manie houses were ouerthrowne therewith, and sheepe and other cattell destroied and buried in the drifts of snow, which as then laie verie déepe euerie where vp|on the ground.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The order of
frier Minors began about this time, and increased maruellouslie within a short season. And the emperour Otho
came ouer into England in this yeare,The [...]mperor Otho cõmeth into England. where he was most roiallie receiued by king Iohn, who
taking councell with the said empe|rour to renew the warre against the French king (bicause he was promised
great aid at his hands for the furnishing of the same) gaue vnto him at his de|parting foorth of the
Fiue thou|sand marks of siluer, as Matth. West. and Matth. Paruus do [...] write.
Anno Reg. 9.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this meane while, the strife depended still in the court of Rome betwixt the two elected archbi|shops of Canturburie, Reginald and Iohn. But EEBO page image 171 after the pope was fullie informed of the manner of their elections,Stephan Langton cho|sen archbishop of Canturbu|rie by ye popes appointment. he disanulled them both, and procured by his papall authoritie the moonks of Canturburie (of whome manie were then come to Rome about that matter) to choose one Steph [...]n L [...]gton the car|dinall of S. Chrysogon an Englishman borne, and of good estimation and learning in the court of Rome to be their archbishop. The moonks at the first were loth to consent thereto, alledging that they might not lawfullie doo it without consent of their king, and of their couent.