Compare 1577 edition: 1 Unseasonable weather.There chanced this yeare woonderfull tempests of thunder, lightning, haile, and abundance of raine, in such wise, that mens minds were greatlie astonied therwith: medowes and marsh grounds were quite ouerflowne, bridges broken and borne downe, and great quantitie of corne and haie lost and carried a|waie, and diuerse men and women drowned. Mar|garet mother of Constance, duches of Britaine, si|ster to William king of Scots, and mother to Hen|rie Boun earle of Hereford, deceassed. This yeare also by the counsell and aduice of the burgesses of London, Fabian. there were chosen 35 of the most substanti|all and wisest men, which after the report of some writers, were called the councell of the citie of Lon|don, out of which number the Maior and Bailiffes were yearelie chosen.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Matth. Paris. In the yeare 1202 king Iohn held his Christ|masse at Argenton in Normandie, and in the Lent following he and the French king met togither, neere vnto the castell of Gulleton, and there in talke had betwéene them, he commanded king Iohn with no small arrogancie, and contrarie to his former promise, to restore vnto his nephue Arthur duke of Britaine, all those lands now in his possession on that side the sea,The French K. beginneth to make war against king Iohn. which king Iohn earnestlie denied to doo, wherevpon the French king immediatlie after, began war against him, and tooke Buteuant, Augi, and the castell of Linos. Moreouer, he besieged the castell of Radepont for the space of eight daies, till king Iohn came thither, and forced him to depart with much dishonor. Howbeit after this, the French king wan Gourney, and then returning to Paris, he appointed certeine persons to haue the gouerne|ment of the foresaid Arthur duke of Britaine, and then sent him foorth with 200 men of armes into Poictou, that he might bring the countrie also vnder his subiection.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Polydor. Hugh earle of March.Herevpon Hugh le Brun earle of March (vnto whome queene Isabell the wife of king Iohn had beene promised in mariage, before that king Iohn was motioned vnto hir, and therefore bare an in|ward displeasure towards the king of England, for that he had so bereft him of his promised spouse) be|ing now desirous to procure some trouble also vnto king Iohn,The Poicto|uins reuolt from king Iohn. ioined himselfe with Arthur duke of Britaine, and found meanes to cause them of Poi|ctou (a people euer subiect to rebellion) to reuolt from king Iohn, and to take armour against him, so that the yoong Arthur being incouraged with this new supplie of associats, first went into Touraine, and after into Aniou, compelling both those coun|tries to submit themselues vnto him,Arthur pro|claimeth him|selfe earle of Aniou, &c. and proclai|med himselfe earle of those places, by commission and grant obteined from king Philip.