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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The cardinall comming into France, and dooing his message in most earnest wise, was present at the enteruiew appointed betwixt the two kings in the feast of S. Hilarie, R. Houed. but yet could not he bring his purpose to full effect: onelie he procured them to take truce for the terme of fiue yeares,A truce con|cluded for fiue yeares. further he could not get them to agrée. ¶ The fault by authors is a|scribed aswell to king Richard, as to king Philip: for king Richard being first euill vsed, and put to hinde|rance, determined either to vanquish, or neuer to giue place.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 This forbearance from warre was concluded and taken in the yeare 1199 after the incarnation, and tenth of king Richards reigne. But immediatlie af|ter, there arose matter of new displeasure betwixt these two kings to kéepe their minds in vre with se|cret grudges, though by reason of the truce they out|wardlie absteined from declaring it by force of armes.Contention about the choo|sing of the em|perour. It chanced that in the election of a new em|perour, the electors could not agrée, one part of them choosing Otho duke of Saxonie, nephue to king Ri|chard by his sister Maud, and another part of them naming Philip duke of Tuscaine, and brother to the last emperour Henrie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 King Richard (as reason was) did procure what fa|uour he could to the furtherance of his nephue Otho: and king Philip on the contrarie part, did what he could in fauour of the foresaid Philip. At length O|tho was admitted by the pope to end the strife: but yet the grudge remained in the harts of the two kings; Philip finding himselfe much greeued in that he had missed his purpose, and Richard being as lit|tle pleased, for that he had woone his so hardlie, and with so much adoo. And thus matters passed for that yeare.

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