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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Also it was enacted that there should be foure or six substantiall honest men chosen in euerie towne, and likewise in shires, with the head officers of cities and boroughes, which had a corporation, to see that the assises aforesaid were truelie kept, and that if any were found to be offending in the premisses, to cause their bodies to be attached and committed to prison, and their goods to be seized to the kings vse: and if those that were chosen to haue regard thereto, were tried to be negligent, so that by others, and not by them any offendors chanced to be conuicted before the iustices, then should the regarders be put to their fines, for the negligent looking to their offices.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 King Richard held his Christmasse this yeare at Roan, and Hubert the archbishop of Canturburie le|gat of the apostolike sée, named lord chéfe iustice of England, was about the same time in the marshes of Wales at Hereford, and there receiued into his hands the castels of Hereford, Bridgenorth and Lud|low, remoouing those that had the same in kéeping, and appointing others in their roomes.Moonks pla|ced againe in the church of Couentrie. Afterwards comming by Couentrie, he placed the moonks a|gaine in the cathedrall church of that citie, by com|mandement of pope Celestine, and chased out the se|cular canons, which the bishop Hugh Nouant had brought into the same church when he remooued the moonks.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the Christmasse wéeke also there came messen|gers to Rouen from the archbishops of Cullen and Mentz, and from other states of the empire,Messengers from the stats of Germanie. which de|clared vnto king Richard, that all the princes of Germanie were appointed to assemble at Cullen, the two & twentith of Februarie, about the choosing of a new emperour, in place of the late deceassed Henrie: and therefore they commanded him by force of the oth and league in which he was bound to the emperour and empire, that all excuse of deniall or occasions to the contrarie ceasing and set apart, he should make his repaire vnto Cullen at the aforesaid day, to helpe them in choosing of some worthie perso|nage that might and was able to haue the empire. King Richard doubting to put himselfe in danger, bicause he had not discharged all the debts due for his ransome, staied at home, but yet he sent diuerse noble men thither, and did so much in fauour of his nephue Otho, that by the helpe of the foresaid two archbishops of Cullen and Mentz, the same Otho EEBO page image 153 was elected emperour. But of this matter more shall be said hereafter.

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