Compare 1577 edition: 1 In time he was deposed from his office of being chancellour, and not without warrant, for in verie deed, Matth. Paris. king Richard hauing receiued aduertisements from the lords and peeres of the realme, of the chan|cellours presumptuous and hautie demeanour, with wrongs offered to diuerse persons, wrote to them a|gaine as followeth.
6.1. A letter of king Richard directed to the States of the land for the deposing of the bishop of Elie from his office of lord chancellour.
A letter of king Richard directed to the States of the land for the deposing of the bishop of Elie from his office of lord chancellour.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 _RIchard king of England sendeth gree|ting to William Marshall, to Gilbert Fitz Peter, and Henrie Berdulfe, and to William Brewer, peeres. If it so chance that our chancellour hath not faithfullie handled the affaires and businesse of our realme (committed vnto him) by the aduise and counsell of you, and others to whom we haue also assigned the charge of gouernement of the same realme: we command you, that according to your disposi|tion in all things to be doone concerning the go|uernement thereof, you order and dispose as well for eschetes, as all other things, &c.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 By force of this commission, the lords were the bolder to procéed against him as ye haue heard. Now after his comming into the parties beyond the seas,The bishop of Elie complai|neth of his wrongs re|ceiued. he ceassed not with letters and messengers to present his complaint to the pope of Rome, and to king Richard of the iniuries receiued at the hands of earle Iohn and his complices. Herevpon pope Ce|lestine wrote in déed to all the archbishops and bi|shops that were within the realme of England,The popes letters vnto the archbi|shop and bi|shops of England. in behalfe of the said bishop of Elie, declaring, that for so much as the king of England was gone into the holie land to warre against the enimies of our faith, leauing his kingdome vnder the protection of the a|postolike see, he could not but haue speciall regard to see that the state, rights and honour thereof were pre|serued from all danger of decaie.