Compare 1577 edition: 1 After he was thus retired into the tower of Lon|don, earle Iohn the archbishop of Rouen, and the other bishops, earles, and barons associated togi|ther against him, followed him at the héeles, entered the citie, and besieged the tower on ech side. On the morrow after, being the fourth day after the octaues of saint Michaell, they came togither into Paules churchyard, where they publikelie declared the iniuri|ous wrongs doone and practised by the chancellour;A declaration made against the lord chan|cellour. namelie against the archbishop of Yorke, and the bi|shop of Durham. Those also that had beene appointed as associats with him, accused him, in that he had taken vpon him to rule and gouerne all things after his owne will, not vouchsafing to haue their aduise or councell in such sort as had béene conuenient.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The archbishop of Rouen and William Marshall earle of Pembroke shewed there before all the peo|ple the kings letters which he had sent from Messina, appointing that they should be associats with him in gouernment of the kingdome;The tenor of this leter shall héereafter appeare. and that without the counsell and aduice of them and others assigned ther|to, he should not meddle with the rule of the land, and that if he should doo any thing to the hinderance of the common-wealth, or séeke to meddle with the af|faires of the realme, without their good aduise, that then he should be deposed. Héerevpon it seemed good to earle Iohn, and to all the bishops, earles and ba|rons of the realme, and to the citizens of London there assembled, that the said chancellour should be deposed, and so they proceeded, and deposed him in|déed, appointing the archbishop of Rouen in his place, who would not take vpon him to doo anie thing tou|ching the rule of the land, without consent of his as|sociats assigned to him, and the barons of the es|checker.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The same day, earle Iohn, and the archbishop of Rouen, and other of the kings iustices, granted to the citizens of London the priuilege of their com|munaltie;The citizens of London. and the said earle and archbishop, and in maner all the bishops, erls and barons of the realme sware to mainteine the said priuilege firme and sta|ble, so long as should please their souereigne lord. And the citizens of London sware to be true, and to doo their faithfull seruice vnto king Richard and his heirs, and if he chanced to die without issue, then to receiue earle Iohn the brother of king Richard for their king and souereigne lord, and therevpon sware fealtie to him against all men, sauing that which they owed vnto his brother king Richard.