Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Furthermore hearing of the great fame of abbat Ioachim, he sent for him ouer into Calabria, who came to Messina, and being asked sundrie questions by king Richard, he made woonderfull answer thereto: as in Houeden and other writers it may appeere, which for breefenesse I passe ouer. About the same time he gaue vnto his nephue Otho, the sonne of his sister Maud, sometime duchesse of Saxonie, the countie of Yorke. But although some were contented to receiue him as their lord, yet others refused him, alledging that they would not renounce theur fealties due to the king, till they might see him againe, & talke with him face to face. Wherevpon the king changing his purpose, gaue vnto the said Otho the county of Poictou in steed of the same countie of Yorke, as after shall appeere.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The two kings of England and Feance held their Christmasse this yeare at Messina, and still the king of England vsed great liberalitie in bestowing his treasure freelie amongst knights and other men of warre, so that it was thought he spent more in a moneth than anie of his predecessours euer spent in a whole yeare. In the moneth of Februarie he sent his gallies to Naples, there to receiue his mother and his wife that should be, to wit the ladie Berengaria daughter of the king of Nauarre, and Philip earle of Flanders that came with them. But his mother queene Elianor and the ladie Berengaria went to Brindize in Puglia, where they were honorablie receiued of Margaret king Tancreds admirall. Moreouer the earle of Flanders comming to Naples, and finding there the gallies of king Richard, went aboord the same, and so came to Messina, at the first following the king of England in all things, till the the French king hauing enuie thereat, allured him awaie, and then he hoong altogither on his sleeue. The first daie of March the king of England departed from Messina, to go to the citie of Cathina, there to common with king Tancred, who came hither to meet him.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Here king Richard vnderstood, that the French king had solicited king Tancred to set vpon the king of England and his armie, to chase them out of his realme: and for the more easie accomplishment thereof, he had promised him his aid, whensoeuer he would giue the aduenture. King Tancred deliuered also to king Richard such letters as the French king had written to him concerning this matter. Wherevpon at his return to Messina, king Richard shewed by his frowning countenance, that he was nothing pleased with the French king, but sought occasions to get him out of his companie.