Compare 1577 edition: 1 As at Stamford (on the faire day in Lent) at Lin|colne, and at Yorke, Iohn Textor. in which citie after a number of them had béene besieged certeine daies within a [...] of the kings (whither they fled for succour) one of them learned gouernours caused foure hundred ofFive hundred saith Houeden and Textor. their companie to consent to haue their thro [...]s cut EEBO page image 122 one at an others hands, he himself cutting his wiues throt first, whose name was Anna, then his childrens, one after another, and last of all slue himselfe, onlie rather than he would fall into the hands of the chri|stians, that had thus long besieged them. The rest perceiuing what their great Rabbi had doone, set fire vpon all their goods and substance, which they had got|ten into the tower with them, and so consuming the same, would haue burnt also the residue of their fel|lowes which would not agrée to the Rabbies coun|sell, in the cruell murthering of themselues, if they had not taken a strong turret hard by within that tower, and defended themselues both from the fire and crueltie of their brethren, who had made awaie themselues in such manner as I haue said: and that to the number of foure hundred, or (as some write) fiue hundred at the least.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 On the morow, those that were saued, called out to the people, and not onelie shewed how and after what sort their fellowes were dispatched, but also of|fered to be baptised, and forsake their Iudaisme, if they might haue their liues saued from the immi|nent & present danger wherein they saw themselues to be wrapped, through the furie of the people. To be short, this thing was granted, and they came foorth, howbeit they were no sooner entred into the prease, but they were all slaine, and not one man of them preserued.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After this also, the people ran to the cathedrall church, and broke into those places where their bonds and obligations laie, by the which they had diuerse of the kings subiects bound vnto them in most vncon|scionable sort, and for such detestable vsurie as (if the authors that write thereof were not of credit) would hardlie be beleeued. All which euidences or bonds they solemnelie burned in the middest of the church. After which, ech went his waie, the souldiers to the king, and the commons to their houses, and so was the citie quieted. This happened at Yorke on Palmesundaie eeue, being the 17. of March: and vp|on the 15. of that moneth, those that inhabited in the towne of S. Edmundsburie in Suffolke, were set vpon, and manie of them slaine. The residue that es|caped, through the procurement of the abbat then named Samson, were expelled, so that they neuer had anie dwellings there since that time.