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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer, king Henrie was noted not to be so fauourable to the liberties & fréedoms of the church as he might haue béene. For besides the persecuting of the foresaid Thomas archbishop of Canturburie, he would not suffer the legats sent from the pope, to enter within the bounds of his dominion, till they had sworne that they should doo nothing preiudiciall to the customs of his kingdome, neither by prescri|bing EEBO page image 116 orders, nor any other maner of act or meanes. He was thought to be negligent in aiding the chri|stian common-wealth in the holie land.Hi [...] negligẽce in a [...]ding the Christians a|gainst the Sarace [...]s. For though he had appointed twice or thrice to go thither in per|son, yet being letted by light occasions, he staied at home, and sent small reléefe thither, though he was earnestlie called vpon for the same. His estimation was such amongst forren princes, that Philip king of France being newlie entred into the gouerne|ment of that realme after his fathers deceasse, com|mitted himselfe and his kingdome to the disposition and order of king Henrie, as if he had béene regent of his realme, and gouernour of his person.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 There liued in the daies of this king Henrie the second, diuerse honourable personages and capteins of great fame, for their approoued valiancie and expe|rience in warlike enterprises, as Robert earle of Leicester, Hugh Bigot earle of Northfolke, Reig|nold earle of Cornewall, Robert Ferreis earle of Darbie, Richard Lacie, Roger Mowbray, Rafe de Fulgiers, Humfrey Bohun conestable of England, Ranulfe Glandeuille, William Uesey, & Bernard de Ballioll. Also there flourished in his time here in this land, Bale. men of singular learning in arts and scien|ces, as Nicholas Breakespeare, Serlo surnamed Grammaticus, William Rheualensis, Adam de Euesham, Thomas of Munmouth, Adelbertus Le|uita, Geruasius Cicestrensis, Odo Cantianus, Eal|red Rhieuellensis, Iohannes Sarisburiensis, Cle|mens Lanthoniensis, Walter Daniell, Robert Knought aliàs Camtus, Robert Folioth, William Ramsey, Senatus Brauonus, Robert the Scribe, Odo Miremuth, Hugh of Reading, Richard of Do|uer, William of Peterburough, Cicerciensis, Bar|tholomew Iscanus, and Gilbert de Sempringham, with others.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 ¶And here to make an end with this high and mightie prince Henrie the second, I haue thought good to make you partaker of an epitaph, which we find in Matthew Paris and others written of him as followeth.

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