Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Herewith they departed asunder, each one repai|ring to their countries to prouide their armies, and make them in a readinesse to set forward by a day towards this necessarie iournie. King Henrie com|ming to Chinon, by aduise of his councell, ordeined that euerie one of his subiects should yeeld a tenth part of his reuenues and mooueable goods for that yeare towards the aid of them in the holie land (corne of that yeares growth excepted, and also all armour,An aid gran|ted to them in the holie land. Wil. Paruus. horsses, bookes, apparell, ornaments of chappels, and pretious stones, which should not come in the rate of goods now taxed, nor be charged with this paiment.) Moreouer those knights and men of warre that were appointed to go in this iourneie paied nothing, but had that monie also towards their furniture, which were gathered of their tenants and farmers, how|beit burgesses and others that tooke vpon them the crosse without licence of their lords, paied his tenth, so that none of them went free.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 There were also good orders deuised,Good orders and discipline, instituted. both for the aduancement of Gods glorie, and the releefe of the common-wealth, as that no man should sweare in any outragious maner, that no man should plaie at cards, dice or tables, and that no maner of person af|ter Easter should weare any costlie furs or cloth of scarlet, nor that men should vse to haue their tables serued with more than two dishes of meat at one meale, nor should haue their apparell cut, iagged, or laced: and further, that none of them should take any women foorth with them in this iourneie, except such a landresse, of whome there might not growe a|nie suspicion of wanton life. It was also ordeined, that the monie of such as died in this iournie, should go towards the finding and maintenance of their seruants and of poore people, and towards the aid of the christians in the holie land. Moreouer, the pope granted that all those that went foorth in this iournie, repenting and confessing their sinnes, should be ab|solued and pardoned of the same.The king re|turneth into England. The king hauing thus taken order for his businesse in the parts on the further side the sea, came now ouer into England againe, landing at Winchelsey on a saturday the thirtith day of Ianuarie, and calling a councell togi|ther at Gaitington,A councell helden at Gaitington. Ger. Dor. which is eight or nine miles from Northampton, he there declared what orders he had taken for his iournie into the holie land. Wherevpon the bishops of Norwich and Lincolne, and a great number of other people tooke vpon them the crosse at the preaching of the archbishop of Canturburie, and the bishop of Rochester.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 This doone, king Henrie tooke order also for the le|uieng of the tenth, as well here in England,A tenth leuied as he had doone in the parts subiect to him on the further side the sea. He also sent Hugh bishop of Durham, and other both spirituall and temporall persons, vnto William king of Scots, to gather the tenth likewise within his countrie, but he met them betwixt W [...]rk and Brightham,The king of Scots. and would not suffer them to enter into Scotland, but he offered to giue vnto the king of EEBO page image 112 England in recompense of the tenths, and for to haue againe his castels, the summe of 5000. marks of siluer, which could not be accepted. The French king likewise gathered the tenths in his countrie to|wards this intended iournie. But by the working of some wicked spirit (as we may well thinke) which en|uied the aduancement of the christian common|wealth,The good meaning of the two kings disappointed. Polydor. that good meaning of the two kings was broken and disappointed: for the peace latelie conclu|ded betwixt them continued not long vnuiolated.