Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer, about this time king Henrie obteined of pope Urbane the third, Anno Reg. 32. that he might crowne which of his sonnes it should please him king of Ire|land, in token of which grant and confirmation, the said pope sent vnto him a crowne of peacocks fea|thers, after a feat maner wouen in with gold.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 This yeare the king held his Christmasse at Dan|frount, and shortlie after came to a communication with the French king, at the which he tooke a solemne oth that he would deliuer the ladie Alice the French kings sister (whome he had as yet in his custodie) vnto his sonne Richard erle of Poictou in mariage. For the which mariage to be had and solemnized, the French king granted to deliuer vnto the said Ri|chard the towne of Gisors, with all that which his fa|ther king Lewes promised vnto king Henrie the sonne (latelie deceassed) in marriage with quéene Margaret the wife of the same Henrie, receiuing an oth thereto, neuer to make anie claime or chalenge to the same towne and lands.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 King Henrie
(after he had thus concluded and finished his affaires with the French king) returned backe into England in
King Henrie returneth in|to England. Ger. Dor.
Hugh prior of Witham made bishop of Lin|colne.