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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Besides these, diuerse abbats, & on the 16. of Fe|bruarie died Richard archbishop of Canturburie in the 11. yeare after his first entring into the gouern|ment of that sée. His bodie was buried at Cantur|burie. He was noted to be a man of euill life, and wa|sted the goods of that church inordinatlie. It was re|ported that before his death there appeared to him a vision, which said;

Thou hast wasted the goods of the church, and I shall root thée out of the earth.
Where|vpon he tooke such a feare, that he died within eight daies after. Then Baldwin who before was bishop of Worcester succéeded him, he was the 40. archbi|shop that had ruled the church of Canturburie. The king and bishops procured his election not without much adoo: for the moonks pretending a right there|to, were sore against it. It is reported of him, that after he was made a white moonke, he neuer eat flesh to his liues end. On a time an old woman met him, and asked him if it were true that he neuer eat any maner of flesh;
It is true said he. It is false quoth she, for I had but one cow to find me with, and thy seruants haue taken hir from me. Wherevnto he answered, that if it so were, she should haue as good a cow restored to hir by Gods grace as hir [...]wne was.
The same time also Margaret the wife of the late de|ceased king Henrie the son, returned into France to hir brother king Philip, and was after ioined in mariage with Bela king of Hungarie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But after long digression to returne againe to our purpose. The king being aduertised of the de|struction and spoile which the Welshmen daitie did practise against his subiects, both in their persons and substance, assembled a mightie armie, and came with the sa [...]e vnto Worcester, meaning to inuade the e|nimies countries. But Rées ap Griffin fearing his puissance thus bent against him and other the lea|ders of the Welshmen, came by safeconduct vnto Worcester, and there submitting himselfe, sware f [...]|altie to the king, and became his liegeman, promi|sing to bring his sonne and nephues vnto him as pledges. But when (according to his promise) he would haue brought them, they refused to go with him, and so the matter rested for a time.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 After this, king Henrie held his Christmasse at Windsore, and the same yeare Heraclius the patri|arch of Ierusalem,Heraclius pa|triarch of Ie|rusalem. and Roger master of the house of S. Iohns of Ierusalem came into England, to make suit vnto king Henrie for aid against the Sa|racens that dailie wan from the christians, townes and holds in the holie land, taking and killing the people most miserablie, as in the description of the holie land may more plainelie appeare, where the doo|ings of Saladine the Saracen are touched. The pa|triarch made earnest request vnto the king, proffe|ring him the keies of the citie of Ierusalem, and of the holie sepulchre (with the letters of Lucius the third then pope of Rome) charging him to take vpon him the iournie, and to haue mind of the oth which be|fore time he had made.

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