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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 And whereas in his life time he had vowed to make a iourneie into the holie land against Gods enimies,His repen|tance before h [...]s death. and taken vpon him the crosse for that in|tent, he deliuered it vnto his familiar freend Willi|am Marshall to go thither with it in his stead. More|ouer when he perceiued present death at hand, he first confessed his sinnes secretlie, and after openly before sundrie bishops and men of religion, and receiued absolution in most humble wise. After this, he caused his fine clothes to be taken from him, and therewith a heare cloth to be put vpon him,A strange kind of super|stitious deuo|tion, if this report of our author be true and after tieng a cord about his necke, he said vnto the bishops and o|ther that stood by him;

I deliuer my selfe an vnwor|thie and greeuous sinner vnto you the ministers of God by this cord, beséeching our Lord Iesus Christ, which pardoned the théefe confessing his faults on the crosse, that through your praiers and for his great mercies sake it may please him to be mercifull vn|to my soule; wherevnto they all answered, Amen. Then he said vnto them,He is drawne out of his bed, a thing vnlike to be true. Draw me out of this bed with this cord, and laie me on that bed strawed with ashes (which he had of purpose prepared) and as he commanded so they did: and they laid at his feet and at his head two great square stones. Thus being pre|pared to die, he willed his bodie after his deceasse to be conueied into Normandie, and buried at Rouen.
And so after he had receiued the sacrament of the bo|die and bloud of our Lord,His death. he departed this life as a|fore is said, about the 28. yeare of his age.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 His bodie after his death was conueied towards Rouen, N. Triue [...]. there to be buried accordinglie as he had willed: but when those that had charge to conueie it thither were come vnto the citie of Mauns, the bi|shop there and the cleargie would not suffer them to go any further with it, but committed it to buriall in honourable wise within the church of saint Iulian. Whereof when the citizens of Rouen were aduerti|sed, they were sore offended with that dooing, and streightwaies sent vnto them of Mauns, requiring to haue the corps deliuered, threatening otherwise with manie earnest oths to fetch it from them by force. Wherefore king Henrie, to set order in this matter, commanded that the corps of his sonne the king should be deliuered vnto them of Rouen to be buried in their citie, as he himselfe had willed before his death.The bodie of the yong king lastlie buried at Rouen. And so it was taken vp and conueied to Rouen, where it was eftsoones buried in the church of our ladie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 ¶Thus ended this yoong king in his floorishing youth, to whome through his owne iust deserts long life was iustlie denied, sith he delighted to begin his gouernement with vnlawfull attempts, as an other Absolon against his owne naturall father, seeking by wrongfull violence to pull the scepter out of his hand. He is not put in the number of kings, bicause he remained for the more part vnder the gouernance of his father, so that he rather bare the name of king as appointed to reigne, than that he may be said to haue reigned in deed. So that héere by the waie a no|table obseruation dooth occurre and offer it selfe to be noted of vs; namelie, that euen princes children, though borne to great excellencie, and in high deg [...]e [...] of dignitie, a [...]e to consider with themselues, that not|withstanding their statelie titles of souereigntie, they haue a dutie to discharge vnto their parents, which if it be neglected, and that in place thereof diso|bedience is substituted, God himselfe (when politike lawes prouide not to punish such offenses) will take the cause in hand, & will powre vengeance vpon such vngratious children. For he will be true of his word both in blessing and curssing, in blessing the dutifull child with long life and happie daies, and in curssing the obstinate and froward with short life and vnfor|tunate daies, according to the tenure of his law. If this man had liued in the old Romans time, when a|ged persons were so reuerenced and honoured (much more parents) he had beene cut off in the prime of his disobedience, and present death had beene inflicted vp|on him as a due and deserued reward; which Iuuenal noteth excellentlie well in these words,

Credebant hoc grande nefas, & morte piandum,
Si iuuenis vetulo non assurrexerat,Iuuen. sa [...]. 13. & si
Barbato cuicun puer, licèt ipse videret
Plura domi farra, & maioris glandis aceruos,
Tam venerabile erat praecẽdere quattuor annis,
Primá par adeò sacrae lanugo senectae.

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