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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The king then returning vnto London, tooke order for the establishing of things touching the suertie of the realme, R. Houed. and his owne estate. And first he appoin|ted the custodie of such castels as were of most im|portance by their situation, vnto the keeping of cer|teine worthie capteins. To sir William de Stute|uille he assigned the custodie of Rockesburgh castell, to sir Roger de Stuteuille the castell of Edenburgh, to sir William Neuille the castell of Norham, to sir Geffrie Neuille the castell of Berwike, and to the archbishop of Yorke he deliuered the castell of Scar|borough, and sir Roger Coniers he made capteine of the tower of Durham, which he had taken from the bishop,Durham tower. bicause he had shewed himselfe an vnsted|fast man in the time of the ciuill warre, and therfore to haue the kings fauour againe, he gaue to him two thousand marks, with condition that his castels might stand, and that his sonne Henrie de Putsey aliàs Pudsey,Henrie de Pudsey. A parlement at Oxford. might enioy one of the kings manor places called Wighton.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After this, the king went to Oxenford, and there held a parlement, at the which he created his sonne Iohn king of Ireland, hauing a grant and confirma|tion thereto from pope Alexander. About the same time it rained bloud in the Ile of Wight,Iohn the kings sonne created king of Ireland. Polydor. It rained bloud. by the space of two daies togither, so that linen clothes that hoong on the hedges were coloured therewith: which vn|vsed woonder caused the people, as the manner is, to suspect some euill of the said Iohns gouerne|ment.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Moreouer, to this parlement holden at Oxenford, all the chéefe rulers and gouernours of Southwales and Northwales repaired, and became the king of Englands liege men, R. Houed. swearing fealtie to him a|gainst all men. Héerevpon he gaue vnto Rice ap Griffin prince of Southwales the land of Merio|nith, and to Dauid ap Owen he gaue the lands of Ellesmare. Also at the same time he gaue and confir|med vnto Hugh Lacie (as before is said) the land of Meth in Ireland with the appurtenances, for the ser|uice of an hundred knights or men of armes, to hold of him and of his sonne Iohn by a charter which he made thereof. Also he diuided there the lands and possessions of Ireland with the seruices to his sub|iects, as well of England as Ireland, appointing some to hold by seruice to find fortie knights or men of armes, and some thirtie, and so foorth.

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