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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 About this time, the sea rose on such a heigth, that manie men were drowned thereby. Also a great snow fell this yeare, which by reason of the hard frost that chanced therewith, continued long without wa|sting away, so that fishes both in the sea and fresh water died through sharpenesse and vehemencie of that frost, neither could husbandmen till the ground. A sore eclipse of the sunne chanced also the sixt ides of Ianuarie. The monasterie of Westwood or Les|nos was begun to be founded by Richard de Lucie Lord chéefe iustice. The same yeare also at Wood|stocke the king made his sonne the lord Geffrey knight.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the yeare 1177. king Henrie held his Christ|mas at Northampton, Rog. Houed. with his two sonnes Geffrey and Iohn, his other two sonnes the yoong king Hen|rie, and Richard earle of Poictou, were in the parts beyond the seas, as the king in Normandie, and the earle in Gascoigne, where he besieged the citie of Aques,The citie of Aques or Aigues. which the vicount of Aques and the earle of Bigorre had fortified against him, but he wan it within ten daies after his comming thither. Within the like terme also he wan the citie of Baion, which Arnold Berthram had fortified against him, and cõming to the vttermost frontiers of that countrie adioining to Spaine, he tooke a castell called saint Piero which he destroied, and constreined the Bas|ques and Nauarrois to receiue an oth, that from thencefoorth they should suffer passengers quietlie to come and go through their countrie, and that they should liue in quiet and keepe peace one with an o|ther, and so he reformed the state of that countrie, and caused them to renounce manie euill customes which they before that time had vnlawfullie vsed.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer, king Henrie, to auoid further slander, Anno Reg. 23. Polydor. Geffrey the kings base sonne made bishop of Lincolne. placed for bishop in the see of Lincolne a bastard son which he had named Geffrey, after h [...] had kept that bishoprike in his hands so long till he had almost cleerelie destroied it. And his sonne that was now made bishop to helpe the matter for his part, made hauocke in wasting and spending in riotous man|ner the goods of that church, and in the end forsooke his miter, and left the sée againe in the kings hands to make his best of it.

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