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Compare 1577 edition: 1 1 First, that for no offense, crime or transgression any spirituall person should be brought before a tem|porall iudge personallie, except for hunting, or for some laie fee, or that for which some temporall seruice was due to be yéelded, either to the king, or some o|ther that was cheefe lord thereof.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Secondlie, that no archbishops see, nor bishops sée, nor any abbaie should be kept in the kings hands more than one yeare, except vpon some euident cause or necessitie constreining.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 3 Thirdlie, that such as slue any spirituall per|son, and were of such offense conuicted, either by eui|dence or confession before the iustice of the realme in presence of the bishop, should be punished as the temporall law in such cases required.

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