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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 King Henrie held his Christmas at Windsor, and about the feast of the conuersion of saint Paule he came to Northampton, Anno Reg. 22. 1176 & after the mortalitie was well ceassed,A parlement at North|hampton. he called a parlement, whereat was pre|sent a deacon cardinall intituled of S. Angelo, being sent into England as a legat from the pope, to take order in the controuersies betwixt the two archbi|shops of Canturburie and Yorke. This cardinall whose name was Hugh Petro Lion, assembled in the same place a conuocation or synod of the bishops and cleargie, Matth. Paris. as well of England as Scotland: in which conuocation, after the ceassing of certeine strifes and decrées made as well concerning the state of common-wealth, as for the honest behaui|our of mans life, the cardinall consented that (accor|ding as by the kings lawes it was alreadie ordei|ned) all maner of persons within the sacred orders of the cleargie,An act against preests that were hunters. which should hunt within the kings grounds and kill any of his deare, should be conuen|ted and punished before a temporall iudge. Which li|bertie granted to the king, did so infringe the immu|nitie which the cleargie pretended to haue within this realme, that afterwards in manie points, préests were called before temporall iudges, and punished for their offenses as well as the laitie, though they haue grudged indéed and mainteined that they had wrong therein, as they that would be exempted and iudged by none, Polydor. except by those of their owne order.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer, in this councell the matter came in question touching the obedience which the bishops of Scotland did owe by right vnto the archbishop of Yorke,Obedience of the church of Scotland to the church of England. whom from the beginning the popes of Rome had constituted and ordeined to be primat of all Scotland, and of the Iles belonging to that realme, as well of the Orkeneis as all the other. Which con|stitution was obserued by the bishops of those parts manie yeares togither, though after they renounced their obedience. Whervpon the archbishops of Yorke (for the time being) continuallie complained, so that these popes, Paschall the second, Calyxt the second, Honorius, Innocentius, Eugenius the third, and A|drian the fourth, had the hearing of the matter, and with often sending their letters, went about to re|duce them to the prouince of Yorke. But the Scots still withstanding this ordinance, at length the mat|ter thus in controuersie was referred to pope Alex|ander, who sent the foresaid cardinall Hugh as well to make an end of that contention, as of diuerse o|ther: but yet he left it vndecided.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 William king of Scotland came personallie vn|to this parlement at Northhampton, Rog. Houed. The king of Scots com|meth to the parlement. by commande|ment of king Henrie, and brought with him Richard bishop of S. Andrew, and Iosseline bishop of Glas|cow, with other bishops and abbats of Scotland, the which being commanded by king Henrie to shew such subiection to the church of England as they were bound to doo by the faith which they owght to him, and by the oth of fealtie which they had made to him, they made this answer, that they had neuer shewed any subiection to the church of England, nor ought. Against which deniall, the archbishop of Yorke replied, and brought foorth sufficient priuileges gran|ted by the forenamed popes, to prooue the subiection of the Scotish bishops, and namelie Glascow and Whiterne vnto the see of Yorke. But bicause the archbishop of Canturburie meant to bring the Sco|tish bishops vnder subiection to his see, he wrought so for that time with the king, that he suffered them to depart home, without yéelding any subiection to the church of England. The letters which the foresaid popes did send touching this matter, were remain|ing safe and sound amongst other writings in the colledge at Yorke, when Polydor Virgil wrote the histories of England, the copies whereof in an old ancient booke he confesseth to haue séene and read.

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