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Compare 1577 edition: 1 8 On the other part, king Henrie the son couenan|ted to & with the king his father, that he would per|forme and confirme all those gifts, which his father should grant out of his lands, & also all those gifts of lands which he either had made and assured, or here|after should make and assure vnto any of his men for any of their seruices: & likewise those gifts which he had made vnto his sonne Iohn the brother of king Henrie the sonne; namelie,Iohn, a thousand pounds in lands by yeare in England of his demaine and ex|cheats with the appurtenances, and the castell and countie of Notingham, with the castell of Marle|brough, & the appurtenances. Also a thousand pounds Aniouin of yearelie reuenues in Normandie, and two castels there. And in Aniou a thousand pounds Aniouin, of such lands as belonged to the earle of Aniou, with one castell in Aniou, and one in Tou|raine, and another in Maine.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Thus were the father and sons agréed and made freends, the sonnes couenanting neuer to withdraw their seruices and bounden dueties from their fa|ther, but to obeie him in all things from that day for|ward. Herewith also the peace was renewed betwixt king Henrie and king Lewes, and for the further confirmation,A marriage concluded. a new aliance was accorded betwixt them, which was, that the ladie Adela the daughter of king Lewes should be giuen in mariage vnto earle Richard the sonne of king Henrie, who bicause she was not yet of age able to marie, she was con|ueied into England to be vnder the guiding of king Henrie, till she came to lawfull yeares.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Thus the peace being concluded, king Henrie forgetting all iniuries passed, brought home his sons in maner aforesaid, who being well pleased with the agreement, attended their father into Normandie, Wil. Paruus where Richard and Geffrey did homage to him, re|ceiuing their othes of allegiance according to the maner in that case required. But king Henrie the sonne did no homage, R. Houed. Wil. Paruus saieth that he did homage also. for his father (in respect that he was a king) would not suffer him, and therefore tooke onelie sureties of him for performance of the coue|nants on his part, as was thought expedient.

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