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Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the meane while, the earle of Leicester passed forward on his waie so farre as Fornham a little village beside S. Edmundsburie. The lord chéefe ius|tice & the earls before mentioned with a great armie, and amongst others the said Humfrey de Boun, who had the leading of 300. knights, or men of armes at the kings wages, came out of S. Edmundsburie, ha|uing the baner of S. Edmund borne before them, & in a marish ground betwixt Fornham & Edmunds|burie, they encountred with the said earle of Leice|ster, and after long and cruell fight discomfited his people,The earle of Leicester ta|ken prisoner. and tooke him prisoner, togither with his wife the countesse Petronill, after he had doone all that belonged to a valiant capteine.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Rog. Houed. Polydor. Some write that there were killed on that day of his people to the number of ten thousand [and almost as manie taken] verelie [all the footmen of the Fle|mings being in number foure or fiue thousand were either taken or slaine:] the residue that escaped fled towards Leicester, that they might both defend the towne & themselues from the danger of their foes. Wil. Paruus.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 ¶ But here is to be noted, that it séemeth by the re|port of some writers, how the earle of Leicester had not so great an armie there at that battell, as by o|thers account of the number slaine and taken it should appeare he had. For at his departure from his companion in armes Hugh Bigot, he tooke vp|on him to passe through the countrie (as some write) partlie vpon trust that he had of the force and num|ber of his souldiers, being about foure or fiue thou|sand stout and valiant footmen, besides 80 chosen and well appointed horssemen; and partlie in hope that manie of those which were in his aduersaries campe, would rather turne to him than fight against him.

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