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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 On the morrow after, the French and English skirmished togither betwixt Curseils and Gisors, in which conflict Enguerane Chastillone de Trie was taken prisoner by earle William de Mandeuille, who presented him to the king of England. King Lewes though he iudged it his part to preserue his sonne in law from danger, yet he ment nothing lesse than to ioine battell with the English at that pre|sent. But within a few daies after, he sent Robert earle of Leicester into England with an armie of Flemings and others, there to ioine with Hugh Bi|got, that both of them might as well by force as faire promises and gentle persuasions bring the whole realme vnto the obedience of king Henrie the sonne.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The earle of Leicester therefore landing at Wal|ton the 21. of September,Additions to Iohn Pike. passed through the coun|trie vnto Fremingham, where he was receiued of Hugh Bigot earle of Northfolke; and after that an other fléet of Flemings were arriued for their aid, they went vnto Gipswich, where when they had re|mained a few daies, Rog. Houed. and augmented their forces by certeine bands of men of warre that belonged vnto earle Bigot, they went to the castell of Haghenet EEBO page image 90 (that belonged vnto Ranulph Broc) which they tooke, spoiled & burned, & then returned to Fremingham.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 After this, hearing that the countesse of Leicester w [...]s arriued at Orreford with an other power of Flemings, they went to méet hir: and so the earle of Leicester, hauing now a strong armie about him, tooke leaue of earle Bigot, and ment to passe through the countrie into Leicestershire, there to succour his freends, and to worke some feat for the behoofe and furtherance of their quarell.

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