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Compare 1577 edition: 1 King Henrie was not hastie to go against him,Richard Bart chan|cellor to the yoong king, al|so his chap|laine, sir Wal|ter Ailward with others Rog. Houed. but sought rather with gentlenesse and all courteous meanes to reconcile him: insomuch that whereas diuerse graue personages being of the yoong kings counsell, and doubting to runne into the displeasure of his father, reuolted from the sonne to the father, and brought with them the sonnes seale, which he vsed EEBO page image 87 in sealing of letters. Howbeit, the father receiued them not, but sent them backe againe to his sonne, commanding them to continue faithfull in seruing him as he should appoint them, and herewith he sent ambassadours vnto his sonne to entreate with him of peace and concord.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Now whilest the father went about to asswage the sonnes displeasure, the mother queene Elianor did what she could to pricke him forward in his dis|obedient attempts. For she being enraged against hir husband bicause he kept sundrie concubines, and therefore delited the lesse in hir companie, cared not what mischéefe she procured against him. Herevpon she made hir complaint so greeuouslie vnto hir sons Richard and Geffrey, that they ioined with their bro|ther against their father, & came to him into Guien, to aid him to the vttermost of their powers.

¶ This may well séeme to be brought vpon the king as a plague of his incontinent, vnchast and li|bidinous life; who hauing Chara coniugij pignora, a no|table motiue to kindle and continue honest loue in wedlocke, did notwithstanding most inordinatlie a|bandon his bodie to beastlie and vnlawfull compa|nie kéeping with strange flesh. Note heere how God stirreth vp the wife of his owne bosome, & the sonnes descending of his owne loines to be thornes in his eies and godes in his sides for profaning so diuine and holie an ordinance; which the verie pagans did so honour and reuerence, that they did not onlie giue precepts touching the due obseruation thereof, but denounced vndoubted vengeance for the violation of the same, as appeareth in this old testimonie,

Hesiod. in lib. cui tit. op. & di.Patrat & ingreditur quicun cubilia fratris
Vxorem maculans, & sancta cubilia stupro,
Hunc pater ipse deûm Saturnius odit, & ipsi
Hunc malè dij vexant, &c.

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