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Compare 1577 edition: 1 This praier was vsed by the couent of S. Albons on the daie of his martyrdome. Thus

—caeca superstitionis
Est facilísque via & cunctis iam cognita saeclis.

¶ Notwithstanding all which honour of the pope then exhibited to his saint, as his canonization, with other solemnities procured for the maintenance of his memoriall in all ages succeeding; what remem|brance is there now of Thomas Becket? Where be the shrines that were erected in this church and that chappell for perpetuities of his name and fame? Are they not all defaced? are they not all ruinated? are they not all conuerted to powder and dust? And al|though the pope ment by causing such ikons to be e|rected, to prefer Thomas as a perpetuall saint to all posterities, and thought as he that said of his poems,

Exegi monumentum aere perennius,
Regalíque situ pyramidum altius,
Quod non imber edax non aquilo impotens
Possit diruere aut innumerabilis
Annorum series & fuga temporum,

Yet is he growne not into renowme, but infamie and shame in England, as our chronicles declare, which haue published that Romish rakehels ambiti|ous and traitorous heart to all successions. Naie, whereas in times past he was reckoned in the popes rubricke for a saint and a martyr, now it is come to passe (by the meanes belike of other saints whose me|rits haue surpassed Beckets) that he is growne in ob|liuion euen at Rome, and his name raced out of the popes calendar (as a learned man preached in a so|lemne audience at a high festiuall time) by whom he was so magnified.M. Uagh [...]n at Spitle the tuesdaie in Easter wéeke 1585. In which kind of discontinuing his fauour to his sworne children, he sheweth him|selfe verie ingratefull, and not worthie of the duti|fulnesse wherewith (like buzzards as they be) they ouercharge their hellish (holie I would saie) father.

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