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Compare 1577 edition: 1 All these articles faithfullie, and without male|ingene to performe and fulfill in euerie degrée, he re|ceiued a solemne oth, and caused his sonne the yoong king being there present, to receiue the same for per|formance of all those articles, such as touched his owne person onelie excepted. And to the intent the same should remaine in the popes consistorie as matter of record, he put his seale vnto the writing wherein the same articles were ingrossed, togither with the seales of the aboue mentioned cardinals.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Shortlie after king Henrie the father suffered the yoong king his son to go int France, togither with his wife, to visit his father king Lewes, according as their deputies required, which iournie verelie bred the cause of the dissention that followed betwixt him and his father. King Lewes most louinglie re|ceiued them (as reason was) and caused diuers kinds of triumphant plaies and pastimes to be shewed for the honour and delectation of his sonne in law and daughter.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Neuerthelesse, whilest this yoong prince soiour|ned in France, king Lewes not hartilie fauouring the king of England, and therewithall perceiuing the rash and headstrong disposition of the yong king did first of all inuegle him to consider of his estate, and to remember that he was now a king equall vnto his father,The French king séeketh to sow sediti|on betwixt the father and the sonne. and therefore aduised him so shortlie as he could, to get the entire gouernment out of his fathers hands: wherevnto he furthermore promised all the aid that laie in him to performe.

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