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Compare 1577 edition: 1 3 Item, that within thrée yeares after the natiui|tie of our lord next ensuing, he should take vpon him the crosse, and personallie passe to the holie land, ex|cept pope Alexander or his successours tooke other or|der with him.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 4 Prouided, that if vpon any vrgent necessitie he chanced to go into Spaine to warre against the Saracens there, then so long space of time as he spent in that iournie, he might deferre his going in|to the east parts.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 5 Item, he bound himselfe in the meane time by his oth, to emploie so much monie as the templers should thinke sufficient for the finding of two hun|dred knights or men of armes, for one yeares terme in the defense of the holie land.

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