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Compare 1577 edition: 1 1 In primis,O vile sub|iection vnbe|séeming a king that he would not depart from pope Alexander, nor from his catholike successours, so long as they should repute him for a catholike king.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Item, that he would neither impeach appeales, nor suffer them to be impeached, but that they might freelie be made within the realme vnto the pope, in causes ecclesiasticall; yet so, that if the king haue the parties suspected, they shall find him suerties that they shall not procure harme or hinderance whatsoe|uer to him or to his realme.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 3 Item, that within thrée yeares after the natiui|tie of our lord next ensuing, he should take vpon him the crosse, and personallie passe to the holie land, ex|cept pope Alexander or his successours tooke other or|der with him.

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