Compare 1577 edition: 1 Here when the matter came to be discussed tou|ching the death of archbishop Thomas, bicause it could not be certeinelie tried out in whom the fault rested, much reasoning to and fro passed, about obie|ctions and excuses laid (as in doubtfull cases it of|ten happeneth) so that welneere the space of foure moneths was spent in debating of that matter. In which meane time, the king to auoid all contention and strife betwixt him and king Lewes, sent his son Henrie togither with his wife ouer into England, there eftsoones to receiue the crowne, and with them came Rotrod the archbishop of Rouen, Ger. Dor. R. Houed. Giles bishop of Eureux, Roger bishop of Worcester, and diuerse others.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Herevpon the yoong king being arriued in Eng|land, called an assemblieof the lords spirituall and temporall at Winchester, where both he and his said wife Margaret daughter to the French king was crowned with all solemnitie, Rog. Houed. by the hands of the said Rotrod archbishop of Rouen vpon the twentie one of August.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the meane time (saith one writer) his father EEBO page image 83 king Henrie might haue foreséene and found means to haue auoided the discord, which euen now began to spring vp betwixt him and his children, causing a sore and ciuill warre, if he had not beene a man that vt|terlie did detest all superstitious admonitions. For being told (I wot not by whome) that if he did not re|pent, and take more regard to minister iustice, which is a vertue that conteineth in it selfe all other ver|tues; it would come to passe, that within short time he should fall into great and manifold calamities.