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Compare 1577 edition: 1 N. Triuet. Wil. Paruus. ¶ Some write, that this earle Richard (being also earle Marshall of England) for a rebellion moued a|gainst king Henrie, had before this time forfeited all his lands; but others affirme that through riot and more sumptuous port than his abilitie might beare, he had made awaie and consumed the most part of his liuing, and was run so far in debt, that he knew not how to satisfie his creditors, and therefore was he the readier to incline to their request, which made labour vnto him to come ouer into Ireland to haue the gouernance of such English people, as had alrea|die planted themselues there to inhabit & remaine. Herevpon he prepared a nauie, and assembled togi|ther a great number of such as lacked liuing, and shortlie determined to passe ouer into Ireland. But euen as he was readie to set forward,Strangbow contermanded there came vn|to him messengers from king Henrie, comman|ding him to staie, and not to take that iournie in hand. Howbeit the earle hauing nothing in Eng|land whereof to make anie great accompt, notwith|standing the kings commandement, tooke the sea, and passed ouer into that countrie, where he great|lie delited such Englishmen as dailie had looked for his repaire and comming thither.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Shortlie after, ioining those which he brought ouer with him, with the other that were there before his comming, he thought to worke some feat, whereby he might make his name famous, & cause the Irish|men to haue him in feare.Dublin won. Additions to Iohn Pike. Wherevpon he first assai|led the citie of Dublin, and by force wan it. He like|wise wan Waterford, & diuerse other townes neere vnto the sea side. Also to haue some freendship a|mongst those barbarous people,Strangbow marrieth Dermutius his daughter. he maried the daugh|ter of the confederate king, and so grew into verie great estimation in that countrie and region.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Howbeit, with these and the like dooings of the earle, king Henrie tooke such displeasure (but chéeflie for disobeieng his commandement) that he confined him the realme,Strangbow confined. seized his lands as forfeited, and by proclamation restreined all his subiects from passing into Ireland with any kind of merchandize, prouisi|on of vittels, or other commodities whatsoeuer. By reason whereof, earle Strangbow, partlie by con|streint, and partlie in hope to returne into fauour with king Henrie, and for other respects as may be coniectured,He séeketh to procure the kings fauour. aduertised him of the whole state of the countrie of Ireland, promising him, that if it would please his grace to come ouer thither, he would so worke that he should be admitted souereigne lord of all the land. Heerevpon king Henrie pardoned him of all former trespasses, and restored vnto him all his lands and inheritances within England and Nor|mandie:The king pardoneth him. N. Triuet. and further, confirmed to him such liuings abroad in Ireland out of the walled townes, as he held alreadie in right of his wife: and furthermore ordeined, that he should be high steward of Ire|land vnder him.

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