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Compare 1577 edition: 1 This was the end of Thomas Becket archbishop of Canturburie, Anno Reg. 17. which was after he had entred into that see eight yeares and six moneths, in the yeare after the birth of our Lord 1171. [...]ter their account that begin the yere on Christmas day. Robert de Broc. On Christmas day before his death, which fell that yeare on the fridaie, he preached a sermon to the people, and when he had made an end thereof, he accurssed Nigell de Sacke|uille, the violent incumbent of the church of Berges, and Robert de Broc, both which had (vpon spite) curtailed the horsse of the said archbishop: and as the same day whilest he was at the altar, according to his custome, altogither in teares and lamen [...]ati|on; so at dinner he shewed himselfe verie pleasant & merrie, insomuch that when those that were at the EEBO page image 80 table séemed somewhat doubtfull to eat of the flesh that was set before them, bicause it was friday; Why doo ye abhorre (saith he) to eat flesh? This day flesh hath a great priuilege, for this same day the word was made flesh, and came into light, and appeared vnto vs. These his words greatlie contented all the com|panie.

¶Thus you haue heard the tragicall discourse of am|bitious Becket, a man of meane parentage, and yet through the princes fauour verie fortunate, if he had not abused the beneuolence of so gratious a soue|reigne by his insolencie and presumption. Wherein we haue to note, how vnseemelie a thing it was for him, being called to so sacred a function, to lead so se|cular and prophane a life, as if he had professed open hostilitie to the vocation which he pretended to ho|nour and reuerence. We are also taught, that promo|tions atchiued by ambition are not permanent, and are so farre from procuring fame and renowne to the obteiners, that they turne them in the end to shame, infamie and reproch, after losse of life and effu|sion of bloud. The issue of all which tragedie is to be imputed to the prouidence and counsell of almightie God, as one writeth verie agréeablie to this pur|pose, saieng,

H [...]si. in lib. cui tit. op. & dies.Nam facile extolli [...] facilè elatúm refraenat,
Et clarum obscurans, obscuri nomen adauget.
Erigit & miserum facilè extinguitque superbum
Iuppiter altifremus, cui celsum regia coelum.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But to let this matter passe. King Henrie doubt|lesse was right pensiue for his death,King Henrie sorie for the archb. Bec|kets death. bicause he wist well inough that it would be iudged, that he himselfe was priuie to the thing: and euen so came it to passe, for immediatlie vpon notice giuen into France of the archbishops death, Polydor. king Lewes, and Theobald the earle of Blois, as they that loued him most deerelie were most sorowfull for it, and iudging straightwaie that king Henrie was the procurer, they wrote their letters vnto pope Alexander, giuing him to vnder|stand both of the slaughter, and how king Henrie had caused it to be put in execution, requiring most in|stantlie, that such an iniurie doone to the Christian religion, might spéedilie be punished. The pope was much offended, and determined to haue the matter throughlie considered and ordered, so as might stand with his dignitie, and accordinglie as the hainous state of the case required. King Henrie whilest these things were a dooing, lay certein daies at Argenton, so much displeased in his mind, that he would suffer no man once to speake to him about any maner of businesse.

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