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Compare 1577 edition: 1 There were some also of the kings seruants, that thought after an other maner of sort to reuenge the displeasure doone to the kings maiestie,The knights that slue the archbishop Becket. as sir Hugh Moreuile, sir William Tracie, sir Richard Bri|taine, and sir Reignold Fitz Urse, knights, who ta|king aduice togither, and agréeing in one mind and will, tooke shipping, & sailed ouer into England, lan|ding at a place called Dogs hauen, néere Douer.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Now the first night they lodged in the castell of Saltwood, which Randulfe de Broc had in keeping. The next morning (being the 29. of December, and fift daie of Christmasse, which as that yeare came a|bout fell vpon a tuesdaie) hauing gotten togither certeine souldiers in the countrie thereabouts, came to Canturburie, and first entring into the court of the abbeie of S. Augustine, they talked with Claren|bald the elect abbat of that place: and after confe|rence had with him, they proceeded in their businesse as followeth.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The first knight sir Reignold Fitz Urse came to him about the eleuenth houre of the daie,Reignold Fitz Urse. Th [...]t is be|twéene 4. and 5. in the eue|ning. as the archbishop sat in his chamber, and sitting downe at his feet vpon the ground without any manner of greeting or salutation, at length began with him thus:

Being sent of our souereigne lord the king from beyond the seas, we doo here present vnto you his Graces commandements, to wit, that you should go to his sonne the king, to doo vnto him that which apperteineth vnto you to doo vnto your souereigne lord, and to doo your fealtie vnto him in taking an oth, and further to amend that wherein you haue of|fended his maiestie. Wherevnto the archbishop an|swered: For what cause ought I to con [...]me my fe|altie vnto him by oth? or wherin am I giltie in offen|ding EEBO page image 79 the kings Maiestie?An oth requi|red of him for his baronie. Sir Reignold said: For your baronie, fealtie is demanded of you with an oth, and an other oth is required of those clerkes, which you haue brought with you, if they meane to continue within the land. The archbishop answered: For my baronie I am readie to do to the king what|soeuer law or reason shall allow: but let him for certeine hold, that he shall not get any oth either of me or of my clerks. We knew that (said the knight) that you would not doo any of these things which we proponed vnto you. Moreouer the king commandeth you to absolue those bishops that are excommunica|ted by you without his licence. Wherevnto he said: The bishops are excommunicated not by me, but by the pope, who hath therto authoritie from the Lord. If in déed he hath reuenged the iniurie doone to my church, I confesse that I am not displeased therwith. Then said the knight: Sith that such things in des|pite of the king doo please you, it is to be thought that you would take from him his crowne, and be called and taken for king your selfe, but you shall misse of your purpose surelie therein. The archbishop answe|red: I doo not aspire to the name of a king, rather would I knit three crownes vnto his crowne if it lay in my power.

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