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Compare 1577 edition: 1 ¶ Here authors agrée not (as Polydor trulie saith) for some write that archbishop Thomas (immediatlie vpon his returne into England) denounced the arch|bishop of Yorke with the bishops of Salisburie and London accurssed, whereas before they were depri|ued of the vse and administration of the sacraments. So [...]e [...]hers write, that now at his comming ouer into England from his [...]ile, he depriued them onlie of the ministration of the sacraments, togither with the bishops of E [...]ester, Chester, Rochester, S. Asaph, & Landa [...], which had [...]sonallie béene present at the coronation of king Henrie the sonne, to the deroga|tion of the dignitie of their primat the archbishop of Canturburie (as before you haue heard.) It shuld seeme yet by G [...]r. Doro [...]e [...]  that the archbishop of Yorke, and the bishop of Durham were suspended, and the bishops of London, Salisburie, and diuerse other excommunicated.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But how soeuer he vsed them, the archbishop of Yorke, the two bishops London and Salisburie,The archbish. of Yorke and other go ouer to the king to complaine of the archbishop Becket. Ger. Dor. being offended with his dooings, sailed ouer in|to Normandie, and there complained to king Hen|rie of iniuries doone to them by archbishop Thomas, gréeuouslie accusing him that he went about to take awaie their libertie of priesthood, to destroie, corrupt, and finallie to abolish both the lawes of God and man, togither with the ancient decrées and statutes of their elders; in somuch that he tooke vpon him to exclude bishops at his pleasure from the companie of christian men, and so being excluded, to banish them for euer: to derogat things meerelie preiudiciall to the kings roiall prerogatiue; and finallie to take a|waie from all men the equitie of lawes and ciuill orders.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king giuing eare to their complaint, was so displeased in his mind against archbishop Thomas, that in open audience of his lords, knights, and gen|tlemen, he said these or the like words:The occasion of the kings words that cost bish. Bec|ket his life. In what mi|serable state am I, that can not be in rest within mine owne realme, by reason of one onelie préest? Neither is there any of my folkes that will helpe to deliuer me out of such troubles.

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