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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Anno Reg. 16. 1170He kept his Christmasse at Nauntes, whither all the great lords and barons of Britaine resorted to him. The solemnitie of which feast being past, he en|tred into the lands of earle Eudo, and wasted the same, till the said earle submitted himself. At length, after the king had taken order for the good gouerne|ment of Normandie, and his other countries on that side the sea, he returned into England in the first wéeke of March, but not without great danger, by reason of a tempest that tooke him on the seas, begin|ning about midnight, and not ceassing till 9. of the clocke in the morning, about which houre he came on land at Portesmouth, not with many of his ships, the rest being tossed and driuen to séeke succour in sun|drie créeks and hauens of the land, and one of them which was the cheefest and newest, was lost in the middle of the flouds, togither with 400. persons, men & women: among whome was Henrie de Aguell with two of his sons, Gilbert Sullemuy, and Rafe Beumount the kings physician & houshold seruant.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Polydor. Dauid was made knight by K. Henrie as Houeden hath.After this the king held his Easter at Winsor, whither William the Scotish king came with his brother Dauid, to welcome him home, and to con|gratulat his happie successe in his businesse on the further side the seas. They were honorablie entertei|ned, and at their departure princelie rewarded. The king thus returned into England, punished the shi|riffes of the land very gréeuouslie for their extortion, briberie,A prudent considera|tion of the king. and rapine. After this, studieng how to as|sure the estate of the realme vnto his sons, vpon good consideration remembring that no liuing creature was more subiect to the vncerteintie of death than Adams heires, and that there is ingraffed such a fer|uent desire in the ambitious nature of man to go|uerne,Mans nature ambitious. that so oft as they onee come in hope of a kingdome, they haue no regard either of right or wrong, God or the diuell, till they be in possession of their desired prey: he thought it not the worst point of wisedome to foresee that which might happen. For if he should chance to depart this life, and leaue his sons yoong, and not able to mainteine wars through lacke of knowledge, it might fortune them through the ambition of some to be defrauded and disappoin|ted of their lawfull inheritance. Theref [...]e to pre|uent the chances of fortune, he determined whilest he was aliue to crowne his eldest sonne Henrie, being now of the age of 17. yeares, and so to inuest him in the kingdome by his owne act in his life time: which deed turned him to much trouble, as after shall ap|peare.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Being vpon this point [...] called togither a parlement of the lords both sp [...]rituall and tem|porall at London, R. Houed. and there ( [...] S B [...]rtholomew [...] daie) proclaimed his said sonne Henrie fellow [...] him in the kingdome, whom after this on the [...] following,Henrie the son crowned the 18. of Iulie saith Matth. Paris. being the fouretéenth daie of Iune 1 [...]70. Roger archbishop of [...] to the manner, being [...] the king. This [...] a [...]erteined [...] of Canturburie, but bicause he was [...] the realme, the king appointed the archbishop of Yorke to doo it, which he ought not to haue doone without li|cence W. Paruus. of the archbishop of Canterburie within the precinct of his prouince (as was [...]lledged by arch|bishop Becket) who complained thereof vnto pope Alexander, and so incensed the pope, that he being highlie moued by his letters, for bad not onelie the archbishop of Yorke, but also Gilbert bishop of Lon|don,The archb. of Yorke is for|bidden the vse of the sacra|ments. and Iocelin bishop of Salisburie (who were pre|sent at the coronation) the vse of the sacraments, which made king Henrie far more displeased with the archbishop Thomas than he was before.

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